Discussing the Economic & Political Condition of America

Mark and I have been discussing the current economic & political crises and what implications they have.


Hey Joel,

Regarding the mortgage crisis and overall financial meltdown we are in, I was wondering what you think of this following mortgage crisis screws americansarticle.‚  http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aSKSoiNbnQY0

Then the following link is to the bill that was proposed in 2005 meant to avert much of what we are dealing with right now.‚ 

read more “Discussing the Economic & Political Condition of America”

Government Healthcare Deregulation & Reform

The presidential race has brought the current awful state of healthcare and the desperate need for reform to the front of the minds of many Americans.‚  Right now, 30% of Americans have difficulty accessing healthcare due to its enormous expense and the difficult tangle of regulations that must be maneuvered through.‚  The US government has created a Byzantine tangle of healthcare regulation that makes both healthcare providers and healthcare insurers operate in an extraordinarily inefficient manner.‚ … read more “Government Healthcare Deregulation & Reform”

Communists Paulson & Bernanke Bailout AIG

In another shockingly stupid decision, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke bailout American International Group (AIG) to the tune of $85 billion.‚  Essentially what this means is that instead of the business managers and shareholders who made poor investment calls having to pay for their mistakes, these people who made dumb moves get to keep their profits while the ordinary american

taxpayer is left holding the bag.‚ … read more “Communists Paulson & Bernanke Bailout AIG”

Internet Reputation Management FAQs

Document is very rough and still being worked on… please give me feedback in comments.

What is Online Reputation Management?

Online reputation management is the process of monitoring information and opinions on an entity (individual person, group of people, corporation, government, etc.) and providing tracking and reporting measurements that can accurately gauge the effect of other entities actions and opinions.… read more “Internet Reputation Management FAQs”

Atlanta School District of Clayton County Loses Accreditation

A school district in Clayton County has had its accreditation revoked for not meeting basic standards of education. Mark Elgart, the president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, announced that Clayton County and it’s 50,000 students would lose accreditation on Thursday. Clayton County Superintendent John Thompson, on hearing that over 2,000 students have already been withdrawn from the school system, said, “A storm came through and now the sun is shining.”… read more “Atlanta School District of Clayton County Loses Accreditation”

Best Recent Articles

The following articles have some very interesting information and I strongly recommend that you check them out when you find the opportunity.

  • Lawmakers need to back up their free market beliefs and allow GM to collapse.
  • Government backed mortgage companies Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac are on the verge of collapse. If you thought that Bear Stearns and all the other news so far has been bad, wait for the tidal wave that will wash over the US economy when the two biggest mortgage lenders collapse.
read more “Best Recent Articles”

Other Countries Screwing American Companies

Most countries have regulated or semi-regulated economies, while only the United States has a mostly free economy. So what happens when companies from a free market compete with companies in a closed market? Usually they are far more efficient and more competitive, so the companies in the closed economy turn to their government for help. Closed economy ccompanies are not innovative or hard-working because every time they have a problem they turn to their tangled, inefficient government bureacracies to bail them out.… read more “Other Countries Screwing American Companies”

Interview of Gore Vidal In NYTimes

Possibly one of the best interviews I have ever read… Gore Vidal is an 82 year old man who just doesn’t give a flying rip about anything anymore. The way he interviewed here was nothing short of brilliant, but incredibly anthrophobic (i just made up that word lol)…. read more below. i have inserted my commentary in italics as usual where I found pertinent entertaining points.… read more “Interview of Gore Vidal In NYTimes”