Save Democracy

We need to protect democracy.

But what is democracy?

Can you have a democracy without free speech?

Can you have a democracy without the guarantee that voting will be fair? Why then did Democrats oppose the Save Act?

The UK already lost its democracy… It’s far left leader is imprisoning people for years for social media posts he dislikes.… read more “Save Democracy”

Medical treatments

Super important to investigate all medical diagnoses and treatments yourself. I was diagnosed with stage four hip osteoarthritis at age 36 due to some ongoing pain in my hip I had while playing golf.


The Harvard educated doctor treated me brusquely when I tried asking more questions. He told me to immediately get a hip replacement.… read more “Medical treatments”

What happens when we all stop working?

What happens when we all stop working?

Why do you work? The real reason almost all of us work is so that we can buy food, shelter, transportation, medical care, entertainment, and more. We want to have a good life, right? I do.

Would you continue working if you were NOT paid for that work? Or would you work if you were paid in play money that did not purchase any actual goods or services?… read more “What happens when we all stop working?”

VP Kamala Harris on the US Southern Border

Vice President Kamala Harris was tasked by Biden to solve the problems at America’s southern border in 2021 ( How has she performed?

She allowed in record numbers of illegal immigrants, including 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges and over 13,099 convicted murderers.

We are spending tens of billions of dollars to defend Ukraine’s borders against Russia ($180 each from every person in the USA), but we are allowing our country to be invaded by millions of illegal immigrants, including huge numbers of convicted criminals?… read more “VP Kamala Harris on the US Southern Border”

Parasites Vs Producers

Free speech is the most important building block of democracy. If you cannot freely debate ideas, then a democracy is impossible. Sometimes there will be ideas you disagree with so strongly you wish to censor them. But if you choose to censor them, you open your ideas to censorship.
Censorship has never held up well over time… Galileo and Socrates are but two names in a far too long list of individuals who have been censored, but later proven correct.
read more “Parasites Vs Producers”

Social media review is my favorite social network at this point, as it is the only one with community notes that are shared publicly – this is an excellent way to spot misleading “news” articles. I also really like that it supports free speech and does not censor like Facebook and LinkedIn do. I find it to be the fastest and most complete source for breaking news as well.… read more “Social media review”