Joel Osteen: Megachurch Televangelist Pastor without Christ?! SCANDAL!

SUPER FUNNY UPDATE ON JOEL OSTEEN: Check out Joel Osteen’s super scammy books he sells on Amazon (24!!!) including his self help BS book
and his hilarious book on “Wise Choices”. If only he’d follow his own advice!
LOL! For all you Joel Osteen fanboys – remember he just cynically feeds on you to make money so he can live his fancy lifestyle. He couldn’t care less about you in reality.

Popular televangelist preacher Joel Osteen has been named the “Most Influential Christian in America” in 2006 by the Church Report, was one ofJoel Osteen Scandal Man Barbara Walters, “10 Most Fascinating People of 2006 and operates an extraordinarily profitable religious scam operation that probably will one day end in scandal.

So who is this guy who has appeared on 60 Minutes, Larry King Live and has his own television shows?

Who is this guy who thinks he can share the mighty name of Joel?

Joel Osteen has not yet had major sex scandals, drug scandals or molestation scandals like the other megachurch pastors: Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton, Ted Haggard, Paul Barnes, D.E. (Earl) Paulk, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker, William Dodd and too many others to possibly mention here. What Joel Osteen DOESN’T do is the real question.

In his sermons, Joel Osteen does not talk about God. Joel Osteen instead talks about almost everything except God. He has a television ministry, a massive church, $43 million a year in tithes and another $36 million a year in mailed in donations, but he won’t talk about God. He, like Pastor Kevin Gerald, talks about more pleasant topics, such as donating money to him and positive thinking. He has written two books, the second of which sold 3 million copies, but his books don’t really talk about God either. It’s just his bland and boring advice on how to live a happy life that has been thought of by other people first, “Think positively about yourself” and other such drivel.

What does Joel Osteen say when people ask him about why he does not discuss God or Jesus Christ or sin or what you need to do to go to Heaven? “That’s not my gift.” What are you doing being a freaking megachurch pastor then, bonehead?!

If you are going to try to operate a religious scam, at least make it religious! I actually think that Joel Osteen operating a secular “Christian” church is more of a scandal than Ted Haggard and his transsexual prostitutes and meth! (Though not nearly as funny of a scandal).

Joel Osteen didn’t even found his megachurch; instead the business was handed down to him by his father. When Joel Osteen became the head pastor of his church, he had only preached ONE sermon in his entire life- and that was the week before. Joel Osteen does not have any training in the Bible (seminary, degrees, etc.), which is probably why he doesn’t want to talk about it much.Joel Osteen & Barbara Walters

My loyal readers have pointed out to me many times that the ridiculous actions of leaders in religion do not invalidate their beliefs. They are absolutely correct on this. However, there has never been anything that VALIDATES their beliefs either. The Flying Spaghetti Monster has the same amount of evidence on his side as most other gods. Here is another question I put to you: Please find me a single megachurch pastor who is NOT a scam-running, meth-eating, prostitute-abusing criminal. Anyone?

Update March 3, 2008 on JOEL OSTEEN:

Many people have been discussing Joel Osteen in the comments and making statements about his beliefs, behavior and preaching methods that show a distinct lack of understanding of his profit driven motives. Below I have added a video of Joel Osteen on Larry King Live where he dances around the core question of the Christian faith: What does it take to get to heaven? Joel Osteen hems and haws and won’t even say that people of different religions won’t make it to heaven.

The partial transcript for Joel Osteen’s interview with Larry King is below. I have basically pulled out the most pertinent excerpts to the point I have tried to make on televangelist Joel Osteen.

Televangelist Joel Osteen Discusses Christianity with Larry King

First is Larry King’s impressive introduction of Joel Osteen:

LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, Joel Osteen, evangelism’s hottest rising star, pastor for the biggest congregation in the United States… Pastor Joel Osteen is here for the hour…. Joel Osteen is the author of the number one “New York Times” best-seller, “Your Best Life Now.” There you see its cover. “Seven Steps to Living at Your Full Potential.” There is now a compendium been published called “Your Best Life Now Journal,” a guide to reaching that full potential. Joel Osteen is pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. His father before him. He has been called the smiling preacher.

Larry King knows Joel Osteen Ministries is huge and tries to play nice with him throughout the interview.

KING: Why are you a preacher?

JOEL OSTEEN: You know, I never was for 17 years. I worked with my dad there at the church. He tried to get me to minister. I didn’t have it in me. I worked behind the scenes. I loved doing production and things. But when my father died, I just knew — I don’t know how to explain it, it sounds kind of odd, but I just knew down to here I was supposed to step up to the plate and pastor the church. And it was odd because I had never preached before. But I just knew I was supposed to do it.

Hmmm… either God gave him the “calling” or he was scared of losing his father’s multi-million dollar preaching business.

KING: But don’t you think if people don’t believe as you believe, they’re somehow condemned?

JOEL OSTEEN: You know, I think that happens in our society. But I try not to do that. I tell people all the time, preached a couple Sundays about it. I’m for everybody. You may not agree with me, but to me it’s not my job to try to straighten everybody out. The Gospel called the good news. My message is a message of hope, that’s God’s for you. You can live a good life no matter what’s happened to you. And so I don’t know. I know there is condemnation but I don’t feel that’s my place.

Joel Osteen comes right out and says that he will refuse to condemn sinners. He is too afraid, it’s not his place, he just wants to spew bland niceties… hmmm.

LARRY KING: Where were you ordained? OSTEEN: I was ordained from the church there, Lakewood, under my dad’s ministry.

LARRY KING: So you didn’t go to seminary?

JOEL OSTEEN: No, sir, I didn’t.

LARRY KING: They can just make you a minister?

JOEL OSTEEN: You can, you can.

Wow. Joel Osteen never even attended Bible school or classes for future preachers. No wonder he is so clueless about Biblical theology.

LARRY KING: Is it hard to lead a Christian life?

JOEL OSTEEN: I don’t think it’s that hard. To me it’s fun. We have joy and happiness. Our family — I don’t feel like that at all. I’m not trying to follow a set of rules and stuff. I’m just living my life.

LARRY KING: But you have rules, don’t you?

JOEL OSTEEN: We do have rules. But the main rule to me is to honor God with your life. To life a life of integrity. Not be selfish. You know, help others. But that’s really the essence of the Christian faith.

Of course its not hard for Joel Osteen to lead a Christian life. BECAUSE HE’S NOT!!!

LARRY KING: What if you’re Jewish or Muslim, you don’t accept Christ at all?

JOEL OSTEEN: You know, I’m very careful about saying who would and wouldn’t go to heaven. I don’t know …

LARRY KING: If you believe you have to believe in Christ? They’re wrong, aren’t they?

JOEL OSTEEN: Well, I don’t know if I believe they’re wrong. I believe here’s what the Bible teaches and from the Christian faith this is what I believe. But I just think that only God with judge a person’s heart. I spent a lot of time in India with my father. I don’t know all about their religion. But I know they love God. And I don’t know. I’ve seen their sincerity. So I don’t know. I know for me, and what the Bible teaches, I want to have a relationship with Jesus.

The last exchange between Larry King and Joel Osteen hits the nail on the head of everything that is wrong with the Joel Osteen Ministry. All it is is fluff. He can’t even defend the single core belief of Christianity- that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a requirement to gain access to Heaven.

Below is more Joel Osteen preaching videos. Joel Osteen preaches on cheesy, transparent topics that have nothing to do with the Bible. He twists scripture around to serve his own purposes of mass produced drivel. My question to Joel Osteen is where in the Bible does it say Christians have a “right to total victory” over physical pain, financial problems and other issues? Did he completely miss the book of Job or the trials and tribulations that the early Christians had to suffer under the Romans? I don’t think that Joel Osteen has ever even read the Bible.


Jesus once went into a temple and threw out currency traders and salespeople…. WHO WILL THROW THE SCANDAL CREATING JOEL OSTEEN OUT OF GOD’S ASTRODOME TEMPLE?

Further discussion: Joel Osteen megachurch building – Joel Osteen paid the city of Houston $90,000,000 to remodel the former home of NBA team Houston Rockets and an additional $14,000,000 to lease the building for 30 years. Preacher Joel Osteen’s megachurch does not even own the building! Pastor Joel Osteen doesn’t care though- he’ll be dead by then and this church is all about him. The most interesting thing about the new church is that there is not a SINGLE cross in the whole building! Want to know why? Joel Osteen says that he wants to remove all “stumbling blocks” from the way of people coming to his church and being comfortable. Since when has Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross been a STUMBLING BLOCK for faith?! The scandal here is that the Joel Osteen is doing and saying blasphemous things… and no one is calling him out on it. The pastor of the largest church in America won’t even follow the basic tenets of Christianity!

Visit the Prayer Helpers site here to buy prayers for sale.

Joel Osteen is unable to even keep his own family under control. Pastor Joel Olsteen’s wife, Victoria Osteen, has been fined $3,000 and is being sued for assaulting a flight attendant on her first-class trip to the playground of the rich and famous Vail, Colorado.

Bible Verses that Condemn Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen

I have had quite a few people post in the comments asking what does it really matter what Joel Osteen believes if he’s helping people? If Joel Osteen teaches nice things, isn’t it okay for him to be a Christian pastor? I understand that my opinions of right and wrong should not sway you, but I ask you to consider what the Bible says on the matter. First, let’s take the Bible verses that are the standard definition of who is a Christian:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV)

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 (NIV)

For the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23 (NIV)

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

To summarize, the only way to be saved and go to heaven is by the grace of Jesus and by faith in God. These are the basic verses that every Christian who has accepted Christ knows. Now for the verses that clearly state that only Christians who believe the above will go to Heaven:

-John 3:3: no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.
-John 3:15: everyone who believes in him [Jesus] may have eternal life.
-John 3:18: whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of Gods one and only Son.
-John 14:6: Jesus answered: No one comes to the Father except through me
-Acts 3:23: And it shall be, that every soul that shall not hearken to that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from among the people. (ASV)
-Acts 4:12: Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved
-Romans 10:9: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
-Hebrews 9:28: he [Christ] will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him
-1 John 5:12: he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The nine quoted verses above clearly state that only Christians can go to Heaven. Now, if Joel Osteen truly believed and was a pastor of a Bible-based church, would he preach a false message of hope to people? Joel Osteen is essentially subverting the word of God, which motivated me to write this post. I am not sure why Joel would do this, but my postulation (as above) is that he is doing it for financial gain. Joel Osteens father was a pastor and he has been a pastor for a long time now and he should know better than most people the MOST basic tenets of Christianity. Ignorance is an excuse for new Christians (as long as they work at it), but not for a shepherd of the flock.

Do you know what the Bible says about false teachers like Joel Osteen?

-2 Timothy 4:3,4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth , and be turned aside to fables.

-Matthew 7:15,16 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.

-Acts 20:29-31 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves . Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.

-2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

-2 Peter 3:16,17 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;

-Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

-Hebrews 13:9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.

The Bible is very, very harsh in its condemnation of people who change, twist or leave out parts of its doctrine. False leaders (Joel Osteen), to me, are more disgusting than someone who is a hypocrite (Ted Haggard).

For more information on mega church pastor Joel Osteen you can search Google with the terms or joel to find the man’s website. You could also use terms such as Joel Osteen Website or Joel Osteen Lakewood Church for other sorts of information on him.

Why do I care what Joel Osteen does or doesnt do in his church, especially seeing that I am not religious? People who are cheats, fakes, and phonies really bother me. I have written quite a few other posts on various community leaders who lead people astray for their own personal gain. My tax dollars go to support Joel Osteen (every church in America is exempt from taxes, but Joel Osteen is making millions tax-free teaching his Prosperity Message when he is basically just another self-help guru). I also am very wary of megachurch pastors (I used to attend one and have seen many on television)- they often seem to be some of the craziest people (Jim Jones-Want some Kool Aid?)

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

2,056 thoughts on “Joel Osteen: Megachurch Televangelist Pastor without Christ?! SCANDAL!”

  1. According to your flawed theory all mega churches are evil and thus this would include the Catholic Church from which all Christianity came.
    The Bible and Judeo Christian faith has always taught tithing so in and of it self it is a holy pursuit.
    Jesus made a point of preaching and teaching all people including sinner

  2. It is funny to me that everyone is trashing Joel…If he is making millions off his “ministries” good for him! He is not hurting anyone. He has given me HOPE in a very dark time in my life..He has turned my way of thinking around and made me a better person. He made me believe that God is on my side and because of him I dusted off my bible and have been reading and praying again. He opened the door to God for me. He doesn’t throw the bible down your throat…and “condemn folks” there is only ONE Judge and all of you trashing him will be judged one day. Huuurah for Joel!

  3. This will be my first blog ever. And isn’t it fitting that it is regarding Joel Osteen. Several years ago I heard an annoying voice comming out of my bedroom. As i followed the annoyence my husband was voicing his opinion on my exact thought, go figure. Anyway, I listened, and was able to follow what he was saying and I liked it!!!!! My observations, in this miniscule life, have led me to some great treasures. If you listen to people and find meaning in the whole situation, even the fact that your paths are crossing, just like the first time I heard Joel, you can get through situations with some meaning. Also, I was hearing almost my exact thoughts, some word for word, coming out of this highly regarded man. And right away thought, my theory of life is on track. Call me a simpleton but the majority of people who believe in God are not theolizising the bible on a daily basis. Nor will they ever understand it just like many highly educated philosophers. So if this man can approach the subject of God and Jesus and make people interested and comfortable about the knowledge they do have, well more power to him. Give me a break with this upity attitude on your verbal knowledge of what a person in his God given position should be saying. This is how it comes out of his brain and it has affected masses. He is what you call an enigama, you can’t wrap your brain around it because it is bigger than you can even imagine. You need to accept the impact it has had on you. You devote a whole website to the negitve aspects and yet there are none! It’s ok to be simple, you don’t have to always make things so complicated. I wish Joel Osteen was my neighbor, I could chat with him for hours.

  4. I read your stuff with interest, and I think that instead of frantically searching a speck in a fellow’s eye, we should also analyse our own deeds, -what we are doing to help other people’s souls.

    I listen to Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Chris Oyakhilome, Creflo Dollar, Prophet Kobus, among others.

    Of all these mighty men of God, Joel Osteen is the best. I find his teachings not only uplifting, but blessing and motivating at the same time.

    The question then is, who are we to judge others when we also fall short of the glory of God?

  5. Joel Osteen is great spiritual leader, as far as im concerned. Not only does his teaching motivate me, it blesses, uplifts and boosts my spiritual growth.

    My question is, is it really necessary for us to go about, looking at the speck of dust in preachers’ eyes, while we fail to see the logs in our own eyes?

    What good will it make for us judge other people, find fault with them, trying at all costs to expose their badness. What good will it bring to you or me?

    I think we shouldn’t judge other people. God alone does

  6. You obviously don’t really listen or have read any of his books because he does use scriptures from the bible all the time and the verses are listed in his books. You should be ashamed of yourself, can’t you find something better to do with your time?

  7. Joel osteen is a good man people tear down what they cant have. I think the church spends to much time beating each other up is he in sin no does he have every thing right no does he have good fruit in his life yes. Leave him alone and go win some souls you selves

  8. I have basically thought Joel Olsteen was another get rich nut teaching a message that whne push comes to shove the people will run from the truth. His teaching of health and prosperity is so dangerous, what happens when bad things happen to one of these following his teachings, who do they turn to? They blame themsleves for not following Joel close enough but they’ll turn it back on God. They will become angry and turn from their faith. That is the danger of teachers like this. If following God and Jesus is about health and prosperity then what do we say about those early martyrs for the faith. Stephen was stoned in the book of Acts. Where’s his health and prosperity? Paul was in prison! Where’s his wealth? If Jesus’ death was about prosperity as Joel Olsteen preaches then all those Christians of the early mustn’t have had much faith since they were poor, persecuted, and living in catacombs. What about the persecuted Christians in Romania read “Tortured for Christ.” by Richard Wurmbrandt. Visit the Voice of the Martyrs. Christians who are killed, tortured or imprisoned for their faith in Africa, China, India, North Korea, Middle East etc. Where is their health and prosperity? They believe in God, the believe Jesus frees them from their judgement for thier sin. We will still suffer. Wew were not promised health and prosperity. We were told that we would be hated because of Jesus.

    I know of some pastors that have some large churches but they preach the true message of Gospel. Life abundantly does not mean having lots of things it means living life knowing that through the blood of Christ we can have victory in Jesus over the curse of death that the wage of sin brings. I can go to bed tonight knowing that I do not need fear death because Jesus died for my sins and shed his blood so I can be with God the father. I can go to him in time of need, praise and worship and I do not need to pay money to hear the message of the Gospel.

    For anyone interested in a true message of the Gospel I urge you to read the book of Acts and see what life was like for the martyrs. Before Paul’s conversion he was persecuting the early Christians pulling from their homes! HMMMMMM if that is the definition of prosperity and abundant life it doesn’t seems so. Read the book of Matthew and read chapters 5-7, then I urge you to read Matthew chapters 22-23. It will only take a few moments. Make sure you have a good concordance with you to fully understand but I will tell you this that when you begin reading ask God to reveal the truth, in Jesus name that you want to seek God’s word and God’s will and you want to know before making any decisions. Seeking God in this matter and he will reveal the truth unto you. Read your Bible every day, memorize verses. To be a discipile it was the practice of living with the teacher and conversing with him everyday. The only way to convesre with the Teacher is to read his word.

    Jesus came to save the world from the judgement that the sinful nature brought to man in the fallen world. He died on that cross to SUFFER, he wandered weithout a place to sleep to SUFFEr, he wandered in the wildreness to SUFFER BECAUSE He loved us. God does have things he wants to give us. The Gift of the Holy Spirit so that we may stand in the face of adversity with the fruits of the Spirit “love, joy, peace, patience (also seen as long suffering), kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control” Galatians 5:23. I don’t see health and prosperity. Does God want us healed? Yes! He wants the speration that our sinful nature has caused in the relationship with Him. Healing of Mind and spirit. We are to love God with all of our heart, soul mind and strength and love our neighbors as ourselves. Pride is one of the seven things God finds an abomination. Read Revelations and see the letters to the churches.

    Mega churches, small churches, people are people and all can be led astray. So it isn’t a matter of whether or not it is a mega church it is what the church is preaching that is dangerous. We are not to put our faith in man or in angels or anything created by man but in God’s Word alone. We are told to beware the false teachers and profits, but how do we discern the false teachers and profits? Do we sit around letting others tell us what to think? Do we sit around waiting for a “sign” that a person is a false teacher? What first is a teacher. Paul reminds us that we can all slip in the book of Romans, but is that a false teacher or a merely a man that got too close to temptation as in the case of Ted? A false teacher is a person who knowingly distorts the message of God, woh leads God’s sheep astray. There are ways to test the prophets and the teachers and discern if they are legitmate teachers. and that it is this that they teach Christ crucified for our sins and that his blood washes us clean. That the teacher must be able to teach the Truth. And that Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one comes through the Father but through Jesus (paraphrase John 14:6,7). How do we discern who these false teachers are READ YOUR BIBLE. Get back to the Bible. Read on the word when you get up and when you go to bed. Memorize the Word and put it in your heart so that while you are on the road you can know it. To know Jesus ias to know God. How do we get to know Jesus we read his word. We choose how we live our life in response to the love we have for Him who died for us. Jesus said that he was the Bridegroom and we are like the bride. Then as a bride I want to get to know what he loves and what he hates. Remember also that Jesus said it easier for camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to get into Heaven (Matthew19:23, 24). Jesus also said to repent and perish (Luke 13: 1-5). He didn’t say that following him meant health and wellness. He died so we can be set free from the fear of death, be set free from guilt, be set free from the slavery of sin, be set free from the chains of bondage that the Father of Lies puts us in. He rose again to give Hope, to show He was the one with authority over life and Death and that nothing Satan could devise would be fruitful. Jesus died and won against Satan (seven though the deceiver is in denial and still thinks he can win). Jesus rose again to do as he promised, to prepare a place for us and he will come in glory, he will come to judge the living and the dead. He will come to cast out Satan and heal the land and on restore His throne. When I die and go to Heaven and sing my praises to God I will be healed, and when I am resurrected on the last day my body will be whole and until that day i know that I will love God and praise him because when I was unworthy He deemed me worthy, when I loved Him not, He loved me. I suffer, I struggle, and I am still richer than the any person that has the largest bank account in the world, because Jesus told us that he was preparing rooms for us in Heaven. I am richer because in accepting Jesus as my Savior, I have become an ADOPTED heir of God. I laugh in my trials to come and I sing because I am happy I have life abundantly because I can really live because this world will pass away. Why should I seek the things of this world, what does it gain me to seek the whole world and lose my soul. In order to have life one must die to self. Messages that Joel Olsteen preach talk about Self.

    It is the prideful worship of SELF, it is the highest form of idolatry. We must not look within ourselves we must look to our Father in Heave. We must not think God is a Jeenie in a bottle ready to grant our everywish. Sometimes a Father who loves us also has to say “No.” Jesus had royal blood in him he was God’s son afterall and he slept on the ground, he would go hungry, he wore old robes that weren’t the greatest. His earthly father was a poor Carpenter! I believe this Joel Olsteen to be teaching a very false and dangerous teaching. I live because Jesus lives! I am a sinner, He died to make my sins clean. I don’t need anything else from God he did it all! If I had the means to get to Texas I would like Martin Luther of old past my theses on his church doors. But until then I will tell others READ YOUR BIBLE, get back to the Bible. Get to know Jesus. Not this advertiser who is trying to “sell the new and improved faith!”

  9. Instead of trying to judge other people, maybe WE need to look into our own hearts….and fix ourselves first? True Christians don

  10. I have 1 question for you, what difference does having a cross up make? You are to worship the lord in spirit and in truth, i don’t find any where in the word of God that says you need to have crosses hanging in the church plus all that does is make people have idles like the virgin mary and the statues of saints and those other things that people look to for spiritual healing, guidance and direction. The only way to have all this is by truly making an effort to follow and live your life by Gods word and he knows if you are fake or not!

  11. Joel,I enjoy all your sermons.You are a true man of God.You are the only t.v. minister left that doesn’t criticise people of different faiths,lifestyles,political views.You spend your time preaching the bible and God’s love.Please keep preaching your tolerant message and don’t worry about what these right-wing fanatics say or think.You and your family are in my prayers.God bless you and I know you will continue to prosper.

  12. I just watched a Joel sermon tonight on television. While he does not spend a lot of time expounding on specifics of scripture, he does quote scripture and show the specific book, chapter and verse(s). His job is NOT to preach directly from the Bible — he has said so himself — but to draw from the Bible that which will help to paint a picture that he is portraying to the masses. Joel has a role to fulfill as a messenger of God and he is doing a wonderful job! The sermon I listened to tonight was about being aware of how you convey yourself to others, and being aware that you are only that which you feel you are.

  13. Joel Osteen is just like all the rest of the pimps in the pulpit……MONEY FOR ME. If you don’t have money for me, then you are not doing for God and you will not prosper. All of you idiots saying Joel Osteen or Cashflow Dollar or Kenneth Copeland or money stealing Joyce Meyer are servants of God can suck the nuts out of my stinkin’ dung. Jesus didn’t live in a multi-million mansion nor would he today. He didn’t travel in a multi-million dollar jet, nor would he today. He didn’t wear several thousand dollars worth of clothes, nor would he today. These sorry pieces of trash are doing nothing more than running a business….and it’s called Christianity, Inc.

    Perfect example…..Joyce (give all your money to me love offering) Meyer has a book a family member wanted called Me and My Big Mouth. I think it’s roughly $10. THINK BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH

  14. Mark Driscoll is a megachurch pastor who hasn’t had a scam yet. His teaching is very faithful to God’s worth and not about feel-good stuff.

    He has had controversies though for some of his views. The only one of these I can think of is stating that wives should try to keep themselves attractive and available to their husbands so their husbands don’t get tempted elsewhere.

  15. As the pastor of a small church here in the city of high point nc.over the years i have really become very concerned with the direction that ministry is going in today,i’am a pastor that served for 14 years in a church under a very good pastor that train me in the area of ministry,i have attended bible college as well as a bachelor of theology degree in pastoral counseling.I’am a born again believer in our lord and savior Jesus Christ,I preach the the word of God and live the word of God to the best of my ability to walk up right as a man of God,my wife loves the lord as well and helps me in mimistry all of our six children are saved and are in the ministry as well with there families and are doing a great job…But the leadership church that we are connected to are pushing the G-12 movement but i am not feeling it in my Spirit because from what i have seen so far is a lot of leaders being put in place that do not show a lot of signs that they know the lord on a personnal level .they kind of push me to the side and try to make me feel like i’am out of the will of God .Iwould like to know what someone else thinks about this…I hear people like benny hinn,joyce myers,joel osteen, just to name a do they get so many followers for so little that they seem to know about the Bible?

  16. Gee, did it ever occur to you that Joel WAS indeed called by The Good Lord to lead his flock? Did it also ever occur to you that it IS SIN to judge others, especially a preacher or any other man of God? Better watch yourself bud. You could be headed in the wrong direction yourself with an article like this one. God bless.

  17. How can you judge people of Gods word. To put Joel in the mix with “Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton, Ted Haggard, Paul Barnes, D.E. (Earl) Paulk, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker, William Dodd and too many others to possibly mention here.” I grew up watching most of the people you mention and Joel is no where by any means like them. I hope that you have met or watched his sermons, before you judge anyone. In that case, should any of us judge anyone, the answer is NO. We are to be judged at the Pearly Gates, not by some news blog, the media, and such.

  18. I am a big fan of olsteen,He makes alot of sense and the bible tells us not to judge people and he doesnt.If GOD want us to be happy then he also wants us to be profitable.

  19. He’s like Obama. He presents a positive vanilla template that you can impress what you want onto. Maybe he should run for President. Naw.. a fraction of the money and way too many problems. Better to just rake it in playing Mr. Nice Guy.

  20. I`m from Finland. I just accidently watched Joels seremony. Oh…that made me laugh!

    I dont believe in God, and most of us in Finland thinks that Christians in USA are too fanatics and stupid every way.
    But this guy, Osteen is the biggest joke I ever seen. What this guy has to do with God or Jesus. He just collects money from Christian idiots and use that money to his own luxury life. Most important thing to him is his white teeths and expensive suit! Like I said, I dont believe in god. But if there is a God, I`m sure that God wouldn agree what Osteen is doing. Maybe he doesnt want to say who gets to heaven, because he is not going there!! Jesus teached, give your money to poor peolple, not to steel poor peoples money.

    How somebody can be so stupid, that give money to this kind of hypocrite. I think USA is only country in the world, where something like this can happens!? You judge muslims, but most of you dont see, that fanatic christians in USA are quite similar with the muslims, best famous example is Sarah Palin. And here in Europe, we laugh to you, but same time we scare you…people like Osteen or Sarah Palin.

    PS. Sorry if my English is bad! I hope you got my point…

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