Joel Osteen: Megachurch Televangelist Pastor without Christ?! SCANDAL!

SUPER FUNNY UPDATE ON JOEL OSTEEN: Check out Joel Osteen’s super scammy books he sells on Amazon (24!!!) including his self help BS book
and his hilarious book on “Wise Choices”. If only he’d follow his own advice!
LOL! For all you Joel Osteen fanboys – remember he just cynically feeds on you to make money so he can live his fancy lifestyle. He couldn’t care less about you in reality.

Popular televangelist preacher Joel Osteen has been named the “Most Influential Christian in America” in 2006 by the Church Report, was one ofJoel Osteen Scandal Man Barbara Walters, “10 Most Fascinating People of 2006 and operates an extraordinarily profitable religious scam operation that probably will one day end in scandal.

So who is this guy who has appeared on 60 Minutes, Larry King Live and has his own television shows?

Who is this guy who thinks he can share the mighty name of Joel?

Joel Osteen has not yet had major sex scandals, drug scandals or molestation scandals like the other megachurch pastors: Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton, Ted Haggard, Paul Barnes, D.E. (Earl) Paulk, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Bakker, William Dodd and too many others to possibly mention here. What Joel Osteen DOESN’T do is the real question.

In his sermons, Joel Osteen does not talk about God. Joel Osteen instead talks about almost everything except God. He has a television ministry, a massive church, $43 million a year in tithes and another $36 million a year in mailed in donations, but he won’t talk about God. He, like Pastor Kevin Gerald, talks about more pleasant topics, such as donating money to him and positive thinking. He has written two books, the second of which sold 3 million copies, but his books don’t really talk about God either. It’s just his bland and boring advice on how to live a happy life that has been thought of by other people first, “Think positively about yourself” and other such drivel.

What does Joel Osteen say when people ask him about why he does not discuss God or Jesus Christ or sin or what you need to do to go to Heaven? “That’s not my gift.” What are you doing being a freaking megachurch pastor then, bonehead?!

If you are going to try to operate a religious scam, at least make it religious! I actually think that Joel Osteen operating a secular “Christian” church is more of a scandal than Ted Haggard and his transsexual prostitutes and meth! (Though not nearly as funny of a scandal).

Joel Osteen didn’t even found his megachurch; instead the business was handed down to him by his father. When Joel Osteen became the head pastor of his church, he had only preached ONE sermon in his entire life- and that was the week before. Joel Osteen does not have any training in the Bible (seminary, degrees, etc.), which is probably why he doesn’t want to talk about it much.Joel Osteen & Barbara Walters

My loyal readers have pointed out to me many times that the ridiculous actions of leaders in religion do not invalidate their beliefs. They are absolutely correct on this. However, there has never been anything that VALIDATES their beliefs either. The Flying Spaghetti Monster has the same amount of evidence on his side as most other gods. Here is another question I put to you: Please find me a single megachurch pastor who is NOT a scam-running, meth-eating, prostitute-abusing criminal. Anyone?

Update March 3, 2008 on JOEL OSTEEN:

Many people have been discussing Joel Osteen in the comments and making statements about his beliefs, behavior and preaching methods that show a distinct lack of understanding of his profit driven motives. Below I have added a video of Joel Osteen on Larry King Live where he dances around the core question of the Christian faith: What does it take to get to heaven? Joel Osteen hems and haws and won’t even say that people of different religions won’t make it to heaven.

The partial transcript for Joel Osteen’s interview with Larry King is below. I have basically pulled out the most pertinent excerpts to the point I have tried to make on televangelist Joel Osteen.

Televangelist Joel Osteen Discusses Christianity with Larry King

First is Larry King’s impressive introduction of Joel Osteen:

LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, Joel Osteen, evangelism’s hottest rising star, pastor for the biggest congregation in the United States… Pastor Joel Osteen is here for the hour…. Joel Osteen is the author of the number one “New York Times” best-seller, “Your Best Life Now.” There you see its cover. “Seven Steps to Living at Your Full Potential.” There is now a compendium been published called “Your Best Life Now Journal,” a guide to reaching that full potential. Joel Osteen is pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. His father before him. He has been called the smiling preacher.

Larry King knows Joel Osteen Ministries is huge and tries to play nice with him throughout the interview.

KING: Why are you a preacher?

JOEL OSTEEN: You know, I never was for 17 years. I worked with my dad there at the church. He tried to get me to minister. I didn’t have it in me. I worked behind the scenes. I loved doing production and things. But when my father died, I just knew — I don’t know how to explain it, it sounds kind of odd, but I just knew down to here I was supposed to step up to the plate and pastor the church. And it was odd because I had never preached before. But I just knew I was supposed to do it.

Hmmm… either God gave him the “calling” or he was scared of losing his father’s multi-million dollar preaching business.

KING: But don’t you think if people don’t believe as you believe, they’re somehow condemned?

JOEL OSTEEN: You know, I think that happens in our society. But I try not to do that. I tell people all the time, preached a couple Sundays about it. I’m for everybody. You may not agree with me, but to me it’s not my job to try to straighten everybody out. The Gospel called the good news. My message is a message of hope, that’s God’s for you. You can live a good life no matter what’s happened to you. And so I don’t know. I know there is condemnation but I don’t feel that’s my place.

Joel Osteen comes right out and says that he will refuse to condemn sinners. He is too afraid, it’s not his place, he just wants to spew bland niceties… hmmm.

LARRY KING: Where were you ordained? OSTEEN: I was ordained from the church there, Lakewood, under my dad’s ministry.

LARRY KING: So you didn’t go to seminary?

JOEL OSTEEN: No, sir, I didn’t.

LARRY KING: They can just make you a minister?

JOEL OSTEEN: You can, you can.

Wow. Joel Osteen never even attended Bible school or classes for future preachers. No wonder he is so clueless about Biblical theology.

LARRY KING: Is it hard to lead a Christian life?

JOEL OSTEEN: I don’t think it’s that hard. To me it’s fun. We have joy and happiness. Our family — I don’t feel like that at all. I’m not trying to follow a set of rules and stuff. I’m just living my life.

LARRY KING: But you have rules, don’t you?

JOEL OSTEEN: We do have rules. But the main rule to me is to honor God with your life. To life a life of integrity. Not be selfish. You know, help others. But that’s really the essence of the Christian faith.

Of course its not hard for Joel Osteen to lead a Christian life. BECAUSE HE’S NOT!!!

LARRY KING: What if you’re Jewish or Muslim, you don’t accept Christ at all?

JOEL OSTEEN: You know, I’m very careful about saying who would and wouldn’t go to heaven. I don’t know …

LARRY KING: If you believe you have to believe in Christ? They’re wrong, aren’t they?

JOEL OSTEEN: Well, I don’t know if I believe they’re wrong. I believe here’s what the Bible teaches and from the Christian faith this is what I believe. But I just think that only God with judge a person’s heart. I spent a lot of time in India with my father. I don’t know all about their religion. But I know they love God. And I don’t know. I’ve seen their sincerity. So I don’t know. I know for me, and what the Bible teaches, I want to have a relationship with Jesus.

The last exchange between Larry King and Joel Osteen hits the nail on the head of everything that is wrong with the Joel Osteen Ministry. All it is is fluff. He can’t even defend the single core belief of Christianity- that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a requirement to gain access to Heaven.

Below is more Joel Osteen preaching videos. Joel Osteen preaches on cheesy, transparent topics that have nothing to do with the Bible. He twists scripture around to serve his own purposes of mass produced drivel. My question to Joel Osteen is where in the Bible does it say Christians have a “right to total victory” over physical pain, financial problems and other issues? Did he completely miss the book of Job or the trials and tribulations that the early Christians had to suffer under the Romans? I don’t think that Joel Osteen has ever even read the Bible.


Jesus once went into a temple and threw out currency traders and salespeople…. WHO WILL THROW THE SCANDAL CREATING JOEL OSTEEN OUT OF GOD’S ASTRODOME TEMPLE?

Further discussion: Joel Osteen megachurch building – Joel Osteen paid the city of Houston $90,000,000 to remodel the former home of NBA team Houston Rockets and an additional $14,000,000 to lease the building for 30 years. Preacher Joel Osteen’s megachurch does not even own the building! Pastor Joel Osteen doesn’t care though- he’ll be dead by then and this church is all about him. The most interesting thing about the new church is that there is not a SINGLE cross in the whole building! Want to know why? Joel Osteen says that he wants to remove all “stumbling blocks” from the way of people coming to his church and being comfortable. Since when has Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross been a STUMBLING BLOCK for faith?! The scandal here is that the Joel Osteen is doing and saying blasphemous things… and no one is calling him out on it. The pastor of the largest church in America won’t even follow the basic tenets of Christianity!

Visit the Prayer Helpers site here to buy prayers for sale.

Joel Osteen is unable to even keep his own family under control. Pastor Joel Olsteen’s wife, Victoria Osteen, has been fined $3,000 and is being sued for assaulting a flight attendant on her first-class trip to the playground of the rich and famous Vail, Colorado.

Bible Verses that Condemn Megachurch Pastor Joel Osteen

I have had quite a few people post in the comments asking what does it really matter what Joel Osteen believes if he’s helping people? If Joel Osteen teaches nice things, isn’t it okay for him to be a Christian pastor? I understand that my opinions of right and wrong should not sway you, but I ask you to consider what the Bible says on the matter. First, let’s take the Bible verses that are the standard definition of who is a Christian:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV)

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 (NIV)

For the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23 (NIV)

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV)

To summarize, the only way to be saved and go to heaven is by the grace of Jesus and by faith in God. These are the basic verses that every Christian who has accepted Christ knows. Now for the verses that clearly state that only Christians who believe the above will go to Heaven:

-John 3:3: no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.
-John 3:15: everyone who believes in him [Jesus] may have eternal life.
-John 3:18: whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of Gods one and only Son.
-John 14:6: Jesus answered: No one comes to the Father except through me
-Acts 3:23: And it shall be, that every soul that shall not hearken to that prophet, shall be utterly destroyed from among the people. (ASV)
-Acts 4:12: Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved
-Romans 10:9: Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
-Hebrews 9:28: he [Christ] will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him
-1 John 5:12: he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

The nine quoted verses above clearly state that only Christians can go to Heaven. Now, if Joel Osteen truly believed and was a pastor of a Bible-based church, would he preach a false message of hope to people? Joel Osteen is essentially subverting the word of God, which motivated me to write this post. I am not sure why Joel would do this, but my postulation (as above) is that he is doing it for financial gain. Joel Osteens father was a pastor and he has been a pastor for a long time now and he should know better than most people the MOST basic tenets of Christianity. Ignorance is an excuse for new Christians (as long as they work at it), but not for a shepherd of the flock.

Do you know what the Bible says about false teachers like Joel Osteen?

-2 Timothy 4:3,4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth , and be turned aside to fables.

-Matthew 7:15,16 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.

-Acts 20:29-31 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves . Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.

-2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

-2 Peter 3:16,17 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;

-Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

-Hebrews 13:9 Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.

The Bible is very, very harsh in its condemnation of people who change, twist or leave out parts of its doctrine. False leaders (Joel Osteen), to me, are more disgusting than someone who is a hypocrite (Ted Haggard).

For more information on mega church pastor Joel Osteen you can search Google with the terms or joel to find the man’s website. You could also use terms such as Joel Osteen Website or Joel Osteen Lakewood Church for other sorts of information on him.

Why do I care what Joel Osteen does or doesnt do in his church, especially seeing that I am not religious? People who are cheats, fakes, and phonies really bother me. I have written quite a few other posts on various community leaders who lead people astray for their own personal gain. My tax dollars go to support Joel Osteen (every church in America is exempt from taxes, but Joel Osteen is making millions tax-free teaching his Prosperity Message when he is basically just another self-help guru). I also am very wary of megachurch pastors (I used to attend one and have seen many on television)- they often seem to be some of the craziest people (Jim Jones-Want some Kool Aid?)

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

2,056 thoughts on “Joel Osteen: Megachurch Televangelist Pastor without Christ?! SCANDAL!”

  1. Response to Pieir Morgan’s interview with Joel Osteen

    Well Piers I’ve been doing what you said! I’m kicking and screaming trying to bring the Scriptures into the modern age, but I have a problem with the three-legged milk stool representing Ishmael’s heritage, Isaac’s heritage and Roman’s heritage. They’ve been milking God’s Word for several thousand years; they’ve processed it into cheese, packaged it, labeled it and sold it throughout the world. Some of it is Old, some of it is New, and some of it reeks (Koran) like hell. This tax free cheese business is highly profitable as you well know, and everybody likes cheese! Personally I think it’s time to scrap the stool, slaughter the cow and let the children eat meat. But, that won’t happen until the One who is going to hew down the tree from which came the stool, rises up.

    I was taken by the comment Osteen made on your show ‘I’m not after anybody. I’m not mad at anybody. I don’t dislike anybody, but you know, respecting my faith and what the Scriptures says, that’s the best way I can interpret it’. According to Osteen, he interprets the Scriptures upon what he reads. That’s a big problem! The Scriptures testify God said ‘follow no man follow me’, in several other places they testify ‘hear ye what the Spirit is saying’. Doesn’t that mean the Spirit gives man understanding in the Scriptures! John 4:24 says, God is a Spirit! Osteen said his faith in God is based upon his interpretation of the Scriptures. Upon his own admission that he is a reader, he has acknowledged that he’s not a hearer. What need have we of readers; that’s something most of us learned to do in public school! In the book of Romans Paul wrote unto the churches, he said, ‘the carnal mind is enmity against God, and that those who are spiritually minded follow the Spirit’. Is any of this making sense to you Piers? Can you hear what I’m saying!

    Now, concerning your question about God’s stand on homosexually I have a question for you. If I told you that I was coming to your house and that you had nothing to say about it, how would you feel? Would you invite me in? Not likely, because I showed myself as having rights over something that belongs to you. Here’s my question? Why don’t you give the same courtesy to God that you expect to be given unto you? Does God not have the right to say who enters His House? Of course He does! And, homosexuals are not the only people that He said cannot enter into His Kingdom. The list is actually quite long. Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it, Matthew 7:14. There’s a lot of priests/pastors names on that list. Many are called, few are chosen, Matthew 22:14. What is life? Is it not God’s Spirit through whom God giveth man truth and understanding in His Word through which He delivers man from the sin and bondage laid upon him through those who milk His word and process it into cheese for financial benefit for themselves.

    From what I can see, the gay issue that many are having a problem with stems more from hypocrisy taking place in the church than it does from what is written in God’s Word. I think most people can appreciate that God has the right to say who does or who does not enter His House. What’s upsetting people is the church showing itself as being the judge over God’s House? Deal with this issue first then people might find it is worth sacrificing what God calls sin to enter God’s House.

    Personally I don’t know how any man of sound mind can look upon the issues of our times and say they are not mad at anybody and that they don’t dislike anybody. Maybe instead of attending church on Sunday we should all go to prison and have a social visit with the pedophiles, rapist, and murders. What ya think! Interested! Well, here’s what I think. I don’t think Joel can hear, and truthfully and I’m not all that convinced he can read either, because the KJV I read doesn’t say Jesus loves everybody being the message Osteen was sending through the portrait he painted of himself. Oops, what’s this! The Bible doesn’t say Jesus loves everybody. No my friend it doesn’t! What is says is this ‘Jesus would that none should perish’. Who wouldn’t wish that everybody partook in truth and righteousness of God? However, that’s not our reality now is it? There are many Scriptures that contradict the church’ false claim that Jesus loves everybody. One that really sets the record straight is this, ‘God said, Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated’.

    Well, it’s time to say bye for now. Got a trial to write! Part two of a four part written documentary of the Last Supper, Christ’s Trail, Crucifixion and His Resurrection. Told my views part two ‘Christ’s Trail’ would be on my blog by the end of this week. If you’re interested you can visit me http://www.theresurrectionmca, or if per chance you have any questions you can e-mail me

  2. Watch your step, everything that Joel says is the truth, his sucess is a confirmation from GOD. God would not permitt such a success unless he was under his favor.Jeol is a refreshing blessing of the word of God to my ears beware those who would condem such a man of GOD

  3. I’m confused. Joel Osteen ministry is about being positive and he mentions GOD. There are many GODS. Islam God, Hindu Gods, Jewish God, Christian GOD/Jesus/and Holy Spirit. If it’s about a Christian God, Jesus is never mentioned. Jesusus’ ministry is not about being positive is about salvation and to listen to the truth about his death on the cross and resurection. Not once he mentions that. Joel Osteen is a great speaker and he should concentrate on providing councelling which he will be great at, however, he is lacking in mentioning / preaching the true meaning of Christianity “if that is his religion”

  4. I love Joel Osteen to bits, he is preaching the gospel with such simplicity and he has been ordained by God from Heaven. If you read the bible there is a man by the name of David who was a shephered but when it was his season to be blessed God called and ordained him. So Mr judge I will give you a scripture that will help you to understand ” God uses the foolish things to confront the wise and He takes pleasure in the prospwrity of HIs servant. Everyman will be accountable to God so please do not judge God stll sits on the throne HE does not need a volunteer to speak for because He is able. I will be praying for you that whilst you are behaving like Lucifer,God has already thrown you out from heaven for you have touched HIs anointed sevant and you are trying to harm him. Praise God because the Pharisees & Seducees saw JEsus and yet they were srutinizing and scheming against HIm but today we know that Jesus is the son of God and HE is sitting on the right hand side of God and GOd has made His enemies a footstool. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

  5. My Wife and I listen to Pastor Joel regularly and find his Ministry very much Christ centered and also uplifting Spiritualy. It is not His or our place to condemn any one but to Pray for those going against the teachings of the Bible, GOD and He alone will Judge both the Righteous and the Unrighteous for there works and failure to accept GOD’S SON and His work on the Cross.

  6. I don’t know much at all about Joel Osteen, but if the information above was actually correct, then Joel Osteen did indeed say that he doesn’t know (he doesn’t seem to know a lot of things as far as this interview) whether or not Jews or Muslims will go to Heaven. Muslims do not believe in the god of the Bible. But I can’t speak for Jews since I’m not sure on what they believe. But a simple and honest “John 3:16” would have sufficed.

  7. I think Joel is very entertaining and should stick to toothpaste commercials. He is for itsy bitsy baby christians who do not know the word. People that are growing need a pastor who can lead them and tell them the truth even if it is not favorable. That is someone that really cares about you.

  8. joel, why dont you preach the bible . the bible said , who ever is a man pleaser is no God please . you miss lead the people. if you dont live right and obey the Lord, you will not go to heaven. its no time for your jokes .there is a great judgement waitting for every in the future .why dont you mention the name JESUS? your no preacher

  9. I am no longer sure where you are getting your information, but good topic. I must spend some time finding out more or understanding more. Thanks for wonderful info I used to be on the lookout for this info for my mission.

  10. Colin, God bless you, but I have to correct you in something that person is not judging. God gives us the right to tell somone when they are wrong, we can let the devil confused God’s people. God will judge them but we also have to preach the word.

  11. I agree with Denise 3/13/12…Pastor Joel Osteen although his ministry and preaching his primary based on provision, prosperity and promises of Christianity, his teachings are based on the Word and sound doctrine. It’s is 2012 and Easter Sunday. Jesus dies so that we may have life and life more abundantly…Zoë. He went to HELL and fought Satan and came out victorious. Remember? The first thing he won was 1. Poverty 2. Salvation 3. Healing. We are not meant to be broke! It is great and a blessing that someone teaches on prosperity and the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen!

  12. Joel teaches horizontally, not vertically. Some of you need to brush up on salvation. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are to be rich or healthy. Jesus takes you as you are. Joel scares me not by thinking he’ll go to hell, but rather the people that follow him might go there. As long as you continue to believe His dying on the cross was all about you being able to live your life in wealth, you’re sadly mistaken. I have written to him and informed him he needs to start preaching the Gospel towards the real Jesus, not his made up one. I watched his program too Apr 8,2012. It was bad. I feel sorry more for the congregation than to Joel. Oh, and I worked on said airplane Victoria got kicked out of. Severe bad behavior on her part.

  13. I’m Jewish, but enjoy watching Joel Osteen on Sunday mornings. A lot of what he says just makes good sense, and he always makes me feel good. And I don’t know why the person who wrote the above says Joel never mentions God; he most certainly does, and does so many times during his sermons. Do I agree with everything he says? No; but I find him very interesting, and uplifting.If someone doesn’t like him, then they don’t have to listen to him, but bad-mouthing him is just plain mean-spirited!

  14. Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
    Romans 2:1 (KJV)

  15. 1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    2 Tim 4:1-4 (KJV)

  16. 2Be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right. POINT OUT ERRORS, WARN PEOPLE, AND ENCOURAGE THEM. Be very patient when you teach.

    3 A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. 4 People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths.
    2 Tim 4:2-4 (GW)

  17. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see
    Rev 3:17-18 (KJV)

  18. For when the Gentiles(muslim,athiest,budha), which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) 16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
    Romans 2:14-16 (KJV)

  19. 24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. 25 For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. 26 Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? 27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 BUT HE IS A JEW, WHICH IS ONE INWARDLY; AND CIRCUMCISION IS THAT OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT, AND NOT IN THE LETTER; WHOSE PRAISE IS NOT OF MEN, BUT OF GOD.

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