Seattle Snow Storm

Seattle had more snow on the streets than I had seen before in the last 6 years I’ve lived here and according to older locals, the most snow since the early 1990s.‚  Below are a few pictures I took:

The hill by my apartment building.
The hill by my apartment building.
Broke my chains trying to get up this last little bit and had to park on the street. The ruts are the ones that my chained tires had dug with me trying to get up the hill.
Broke my chains trying to get up this last little bit and had to park on the street.
Many buses, trucks & cars got stuck- including this semi.
Many buses, trucks & cars got stuck- including this semi.

Also, below is a video taken two blocks down from my apartment building:

Woman driving her Shetland Pony in South Seattles Genessee park.
Woman driving her Shetland Pony in South Seattle's Genessee park.

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

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