Pretty words interfused

Este noche es mio. Me encantada la noche con tuyo, tambien.

In an imperfect world, nights are filled with brilliant colors… weaving in and out of this night of ours…words…moments…words falling from the sky….words falling from mouths… interfused in this moment…



tripping over unplanned moments… faltering……

Sitting and feeling the time as you smell beauty and enjoy the physical pleasure of

Something…It’s something.

I was standing on the balcony… rolling, back and forth…the way I tend to in life… I roll back and forth… I fall forward, I fall back… I jump forward without looking…think after

….what the fuck is this? Seriously..

it is one of the best times i’ve had in recent memory… intensely vibrant city, sharply outlined mountains, tasty pasta and a fiery woman….

listening to her friendly shout as she chats up strangers on the street…

My memories make me book of stories… a book unfinished…
empty pages begging to be filled, begging to be touched, turned,…written on…

one touch..a few..ffadfjdsklfdjljdf; sfjflkfja;lfjkdfjd

there is nothing quite like a bottle of wine

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

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