What happens when we all stop working?

What happens when we all stop working?

Why do you work? The real reason almost all of us work is so that we can buy food, shelter, transportation, medical care, entertainment, and more. We want to have a good life, right? I do.

Would you continue working if you were NOT paid for that work? Or would you work if you were paid in play money that did not purchase any actual goods or services? I wouldn’t.

Why did the price of everything we buy go up so much over the last four years? Why does food cost 22% more today? Why does electricity and gas cost 42% more? Why is rent 23% higher? Why is hospital care 18% higher?

Our government over the last four years decided to start taking a lot more money we work for from us and started spending it on entitlements and other programs.

The government does not, and can not, produce goods and services. The government has only one true job – to protect you and I from criminals and from foreign invaders.

When the government wants to spend money, it takes it from you in a variety of ways, the most insidious being simply printing money and then spending it. This means that each dollar you earn is worth much less than it once was. That is why everything costs so much more.

One candidate for President has proposed taking even more money from those of us who work. She has nice ideas about giving money out to a variety of groups she likes. This is called socialism. The problem is that it is not her money to give. It is your money.

And eventually, when she takes enough of it, you will see that you can get more money by not working at all. More and more people will see this and will work less or not work. Why work if you get no benefit from it and you can see tons of other people not working?

So what will happen when we all quit working? Where will our food come from? Who will fix your broken arm? Who will put fuel in your car? No one. Then that lady with the nice ideas who wants to be President will have no choice but to force people to work.

We have seen this same tired story play out many times in history, including in two countries where we took one group of people and ran and experiment by splitting them in half – one side where you keep the money you work for and another side where the government takes it and redistributes it. North and South Korea, and East and West Germany. Go read up on what happened there. Or check in on Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Russia, etc, etc.

The government redistributing money from workers always collapses because the workers quit working. Then the government has no choice but to force you to work. That is why socialism is unstable and always collapses into dictatorship.



Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

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