My site has started getting more reader involvement, traffic and high search engine rankings lately. I’m pretty happy that people appreciate the blog enough to come and read and comment. Below are some of my results from the time I opened the blog back in September.
As you can see from the chart above, my traffic has greatly increased during the month of January. A few of my posts, including the “Cloverfield Movie Review” really sent a lot of traffic my way.
2,623 Visits
8,881 Pageviews
3.39 Pages/Visit
Right now it appears that when people visit my site they end up clicking through three pages, which is pretty good. I would like to increase this number and keep people interested and looking at more posts. Anyone have any suggestion on how to do this or perhaps improve my writing?
59.47% Bounce Rate
Lately, my bounce rate has been going up. I think that is caused either by search engine bots that come and grab the pages without looking at them or by someone running site explorer software against my page. It could also be due to increased search engine views (people come, glance and leave). I would like to lower this number and am going to inspect my logs to see what is causing the issue. Perhaps I need a more professional design that impress people more when they visit my page.
00:02:48 Avg. Time on Site
Hmm…. I wish people spent more time on the site at a time, perusing around. I’ll have to work on it.