Rent or own

If you rent or own an apartment or a house, should you have the right to choose who comes in and who has to stay out?

Should it just be you and guests you invite in and others you ask to be your roommate?
Or should the government decide this?
Or should just anyone be able to come in and out and take your stuff?
read more “Rent or own”

Discrimination in Hiring

The overall job growth included 20,524 White workers. The other 302,570 jobs — or 94% of the headcount increase — went to people of color.

To find out how many believe “reverse discrimination” is really an issue affecting their workplace, in November surveyed 1,000 hiring managers across the U.S.

Key findings include:

  • 52% believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring
  • 1 in 6 have been asked to deprioritize hiring white men
  • 48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications
  • 53% believe their job will be in danger if they don’t hire enough diverse employees

‘No white men’ policy: what you can & can’t do in diversity hiring

Roughly half of recruiters have been explicitly or implicitly told not to hire white men.

Who to trust?

The all-important question in today’s world is what news sources to trust?

I used to believe exactly like you do and would respond exactly like you do. I read (and still read) all the same new sources you do. I agree, we are both a reasonable, logical and intelligent people. We believe a different set of facts.… read more “Who to trust?”

Family Philosophy

The purpose of life is to have a family. Science shows this is the case for every living creature on our planet. Below are the principles for successfully having a family:

  1. Have as many children as you can. Children are simple; they just need food, shelter, and clothing. Everything else is just gravy. Humans have had lots of children for hundreds of thousands of years with far less resources than you have.
read more “Family Philosophy”

Elon Musk Vs Evil

Evil dictators are rising all over the world and are claiming to “protect democracy” while they do the opposite; crushing free speech, stealing elections, and jailing their political opponents.

The greatest defender of freedom and liberty and true democracy has been Elon Musk. Linked below is one of his battles to help the people of Brazil fight back against evil government bureaucrats who are using secret judicial orders to silence their political opponents free speech and jail them.… read more “Elon Musk Vs Evil”

School Vouchers

School vouchers would allow kids of any economic status to go to the school of their choice. This is great for poor kids as they could go to elite, expensive private schools.

Bureaucratic public school administrator and teacher unions oppose this as it forces them to work harder and do a better job to attract kids, instead of just sitting without any competition.