I rode my bike today to Golden Gardens after work and back. I did the trip on a bit of a whim- I was supposed to hang out with a friend, but she was lame and cancelled. So I did something way better… cruised to Golden Gardens and back. I actually haven’t done any cardio in a very long time, so I was pretty sore by the end. The trip was a lot of fun and took about two hours and forty-five minutes round trip, including stopping for 15 minutes at Golden Gardens and 10 minutes at Gas Works Park in Seattle. The round trip distance from my apartment in Pioneer Square to Golden Gardens and back is 20 miles. Below are some photos I took during my bike ride to Golden Gardens.

Above is the first place I stopped to take a picture, the Montlake cut at the University of Washington. It was a beautiful day today, 77 degrees out when I reached Golden Gardens.

The picture above shows me sweating my butt off. I took this picture right after I took the first photo of the Montlake cut.

Golden Gardens was beautiful, tons of sail boats (you can see them if you squint).

Tons of people were out enjoying the sun today at Golden Gardens.

I recommend bringing a frisbee to this field and playing. Fun times.

I REALLY want to get a house boat on Lake Washington. How sick would that be?

I love Gasworks park. Such a beautiful view.

Everyone was out playing on their boats today.

Can you believe that the best real estate in Seattle was originally a garbage dump?!?

Great ride.

Grandpa’s favorite.

Coming home.

Mission Accomplished- 20 miles to Golden Gardens and back to my place in Pioneer Square.
Beautiful day.
you’re such a tool.
Thanks Lori.
Love the progressively sweatier pictures.