Category: Entertainment
Happy New Year!
I wish a happy, successful and enlightening 2009 to all of my loyal readers.
To all of my not-so-loyal readers I wish a semi-successful 2009.
To those who do not read my blog I wish an overwhelming desire to begin doing so immediately.
To those who dislike my blog, I wish you a fiery death in the Armageddon that will take place on July 4, 2009 at 7:57 PM.
Funny Bobby Bird & Chonto Video
I enjoyed this mock rock star documentary starring Bobby Bird, Chonto and Rufus.
Watch the funny Chonto and Bobby Bird video above.… read more “Funny Bobby Bird & Chonto Video”
Funny Old Gregg Video
Beth showed me this hilarious video of a sea monster named Old Gregg… possibly one of the funniest pieces of British humor that I’ve seen. What do you guys think of Old Gregg?
Funny Old Gregg Quotes:
“Do you like Bailey’s? Mmmm Creamie”
“Do you like Old Gregg’s Place?”
“Do you want it? You can have it.… read more “Funny Old Gregg Video”
Holiday Party Gets White Christmas
Drove home from the Christmas cocktail party I attended last night through a (Seattle) blizzard.‚ It hardly ever snows in the actual city area of Seattle since there is two large bodies of water on either side of it- Lake Union and the Sound.‚ However, last night the hosts of the Christmas party, Kyle & Jen Kingma got their wish for a white christmas.‚ … read more “Holiday Party Gets White Christmas”
Don’t Spank Your Child
… or you and your buddy could end up shot to death by your 8 year old.
According to a story in the Telegraph, an 8 year old boy kept a ledger of each of the times that his parent’s spanked him and vowed that after the 1,000th spanking he would kill them.‚ Apparently, the 1,000th spanking came around and the boy waited at home with a .22 rifle and shot his father and their lodger to death when they got home from work.‚ … read more “Don’t Spank Your Child”
Funny U.S. Dollar Collapse Cartoon
How to take a Proper LunchBreak
Looks like a fun way to take a lunch break, right?
Great Graffiti
This graffiti reminds me a bit of the movie “Trainspotting”.
¢â‚¬Å“go to work, send your kids to school
follow fashion, act normal
walk on the pavements, watch T.V.
save for your old age, obey the law
Repeat after me: I am free¢â‚¬
Awesome Hair Bra
If I could grow hair like this guy, I’d make myself a hair bra too.