Top 10 Things You Should Know about Reputation Management

Before you’ve actually had interns working for you, managing them seems like it would be a piece of cake. Those of us who have had experience managing interns realize that getting productive work out of them without putting too much time into monitoring them while also helping them learn something is actually somewhat challenging.
The purpose of an intern is to give another person an opportunity to learn more about a field through practical experience.… read more “How To Manage Interns: Business Cheat Sheets”
In my time as CEO of Coalition, I have worked with dozens of business owners and have seen what makes a business owner successful and what makes others fail. The single biggest distinguishing factor I have observed is NOT intelligence or connections. Instead, the single biggest factor that determines the success or failure of a new business is the amount of work the business owner himself puts into the company.… read more “How To Get Free Labor – Business Cheat Sheets”
Download the PDF of the Avoiding Scams Cheat Sheet here.
Business owners are constantly pitched on a wide variety of products and services. Unfortunately, many of these are scams and a business owner needs to be able to tell how to avoid scams to stay in business. You may have an excellent business model, lots of revenue and success, but if someone scams you that can set you back or possibly even cause you to go out of business. … read more “How To Avoid Scams: Business Cheat Sheets”
The day is only just beginning but you find yourself staying at your computer in a funk of despair. Sitting down and doing a full day of work seems impossible. You can’t get any tasks started, you find the people around you annoying, you feel tired and beat down. You just want to go home and cry.… read more “Beating The Grind: Business Cheat Sheets”
Download the cheat sheet PDF for operant conditioning here.
An employee who started with a good attitude working at Coalition had his performance degrade over time. As his work performance became worse and worse, I came down on him harder and harder. I spent at least twenty minutes a day in special meetings with him trying to tell him what he was doing wrong and what he should be doing instead.… read more “Operant Conditioning For Employees: Business Cheat Sheets”
Please note before I begin that I am not a lawyer and these tips on how to write a business contract are not legal advice. Download PDF file of image below here.
Are you just getting your business started and want to avoid spending thousands of dollars on a lawyer but are afraid to write legalese yourself?… read more “How To Write A Business Contract – Business Cheat Sheets”
by Chris
There’s been a lot of talk in the business world about Coalition Technologies. You might have heard about us in prominent publications like Bloomberg Businessweek, Fast Company, Computer World, PC World and ABC News. Based out of Los Angeles, and with offices in Seattle, Buenos Aires and India, Coalition Technologies offers cutting-edge Web design and Web marketing services that rank among the top in the industry.… read more “Coalition Technologies – Not Just Another SEO and Web Design Company”
You’ve finally launched your online store using the Volusion eCommerce software platform. Now that the cyber-doors are open, you need customers and you’re probably wondering how to get attention for your store. As the founder of L.A.’s leading SEO firm, I know the dilemma all too well.
Perhaps you’ve tried using the search engine optimization tools already included in your Volusion package.… read more “Volusion SEO Firm – Choose Coalition Technologies”
Leading by example is a well-known and highly effective management technique documented in both the business world and in the military. Humans naturally copy the behaviors of other humans around them in their social group. The attitude and approach to work that one member takes often filters out to all the rest of the humans.