Copy Management Software

I have yet to be able to find a good copy management software platform, so I am just going to build my own. Currently, Coalition is producing 600+ pages of high quality, unique, search optimized copy each month. We manage all of it through spreadsheets and do so fairly efficiently, however as I see the company continue to grow I think that the spreadsheets will eventually break down.… read more “Copy Management Software”

Systems Building

Building systems for a business is a lot like scientific knowledge. In science, you are constantly researching and trying to think of new good ideas and frameworks to test. Maybe you start out in biology and increase your knowledge there, but chemistry and physics remain at zero until you get around to learning and growing these areas.… read more “Systems Building”

7 Years

Coalition has been in business for over 7 years now and tonight I am taking the team out to happy hour to celebrate. Building this company has been the largest project of my life so far. I work on it most days including weekends. Lots of days I put in 11-14 hours. I have dealt with many nightmares (lawsuits, bad employees, bad clients), as well as celebrated many successes (over 70 full time team members now,… read more “7 Years”

Makeup is Sexist

I saw a photo of a female CEO in the news today and she looked like a clown. Bright red lips, purple eye makeup. The weird thing is I just thought that was normal at first till I thought about it more.

Half our population is expected to cover their faces in pastes and ooze and powder, supposedly so that they can appear more attractive to the other half.… read more “Makeup is Sexist”

Chile Lime Watermelon

Laurel came up with an amazing dish for me I have been eating every weekend for a weeks now. It is simply watermelon chopped up into pieces with Trader Joe’s Chile Lime Seasoning Blend sprinkled on top. So tasty!

TimeDoctor to QBO Time Tracker Importer

I spent a good amount of time last weekend and a few hours yesterday building a tool that automatically imports TimeDoctor worklogs and parses them into Quickbooks Online Time Tracker. My team seems pretty happy to have a tool to do this as it eliminates the redundancies of entering time in both systems. Nice win!


I have taken a week off of running so far due to the knee pain I have had. I think it is an IT band issue. May need another week or two off. I am still climbing pretty tough though as that seems to put a bit less stress on the knee.

Leaving Wells Fargo

​As the CEO of a much smaller business, I completely agree that the management team of Wells Fargo is guilty of creating the policies that led to this widespread scamming of customers. As a Wells Fargo business customer, I also experienced their reps trying to push sketchy accounts and sales on me. I would love to switch banks, but we have hundreds of outside accounts (customers, employees, vendors, other accounts payable) linked in to Wells Fargo.… read more “Leaving Wells Fargo”