Mind Traps

My smartphone has turned into a huge mind trap for me. This morning, I was intending on working on refactoring Scoretask after my run. Instead, I ended up reading article after article on Nytimes, hacker news, financial times, reddit, etc. Pretty soon 3 hours had passed and my eyes were blurry and I had not done anything.… read more “Mind Traps”


A contract to me is the meeting of minds where everyone commits to something and writes it down. When I make a contract, I do everything in my power to follow through on my promises. I see way too many people who don’t do that though, which is just sad. I wish everyone out there was honest and trustworthy, the world would be a better place.


I built a platform to help give more consistent and structured feedback to my employees called Scoretask. I have not worked on the code in several months, and now I am trying to get started again. My code is fairly confusing and is taking me awhile to deciphere it. I want to do a better job of organizing my php code this time so that when I have a developer come in to work on it they don’t hate me quite as much.… read more “Scoretask”

Physical Goals

Is it reasonable to expect significant improvements in physical fitness past the age of 32? I am not sure, but I am going to try. My goals are to do 50 straight pushups, run 4 miles at a 7:45 pace, weigh under 190 and climb 5.13.


After Laurel and I visited Portland for Jordan’s wedding, we watched a few episodes of the Portlandia television show on Netflix. Pretty funny, but it does wear out after a few episodes.

17 Offers

For a long time, capacity has been one of Coalition’s greatest limiting factors. I built a new recruiting system though that has helped us exponentially increase our ability to hire new folks. Now, it is making hiring new people on much easier. I am actually preparing to send out 17 offer letters today! I hope to have about 8 of those people accept the offers and maybe 5-6 work out to be great team members.… read more “17 Offers”