
I’ve been working 60-70 hours a week, working out hard every day and in my spare hour in the evenings reading business books. I am tired and my patience feels thin. I need to re-energize myself.

Tools vs Teams

I have spent quite a bit of time and effort lately developing tools for Coalition. The trade off for this is that I have not been able to spend as much time directly with my teams and clients. I need to make an effort to spend more time there as I feel I may be getting diminishing returns on my tool suite and a lot of good would come from more face time with my team.


I am in love with the Laravel framework! It greatly simplifies PHP development and deployment. I have built two custom web applications on it so far, one for training and one for recruiting.

Training Web Application

While on vacation, I built a training web application for my team at Coalition in Php / MySQL using the Laravel framework. I am pretty proud of it! It allows for the creation of lesson material of any type (videos, links, html, text content, etc) and the creation of multiple choice questions that are automatically graded, text questions, and feedback on the lesson.… read more “Training Web Application”