Interviews in the TV Room

Coalition today has come a long way since our humble beginnings. It was only two years ago that we were still interviewing new job candidates in our buildings TV room! We are already bursting at the seams in our new office and are trying to get the space next door. Exciting times ahead!

Why are trains driven by people still?

If we have self driving cars moving through enormously complex environments autonomously, why are trains still driven by people?

A train could very easily be operated by a robot or a combination of robot and engineer.

The tragic accident in Pennsylvania was entirely preventable. An engineer drove that derailed train at 106 miles per hour through a 50 mile an hour curve.… read more “Why are trains driven by people still?”

Bouldering at Stoney Point

Outdoor bouldering is definitely not my thing… Too high risk. Today will be my only day without ropes I think.


I climbed up this relatively easy but slabby and scary climb.


No ropes, 25 feet in the air… Ugh.

Is Slow Growth Risky?

WordPerfect grew at 50% a year and their executives were happy at the time. Microsoft Word grew at 200% per year and ended up killing off WordPerfect. People didn’t choose Word on features, they chose it on market adoption.


Sleeping in the middle of the day is a superpower enabling activity. Sleep clears out waste which is not cleared while awake. After your nap you basically get a fresh start to the day, doubling productivity. Try it for a month and see how this secret gives you new success!

Work Gives Meaning

The New York Times had an interesting article today about 25 NFL draftees from 1990. One committed suicide, several went broke, and the rest had varying levels of success. One common theme was that those who worked hard and saved their money and kept working after retiring were happiest and most successful. They kept their meaning.