Mans Search for Meaning

I am reading Mans Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. It is a moving account of a psychologist who survived the Holocaust concentration camps and his reflections and what he learned. His belief is that the meaning of life is not in seeking pleasure but in every moment including work and suffering and death.

A Guide to Los Angeles SEO Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization is one of those buzzwords you hear when talking about SEO. But what exactly does it mean? Essentially, it means determining what your visitors want when they land on your site and then providing them with it. In order to understand Los Angeles SEO conversion rate optimization, you need to understand who your target audience is, what they want, and how to improve their experience.… read more “A Guide to Los Angeles SEO Conversion Rate Optimization”

Conquering Los Angeles SEO with User Psychology

Search engine optimization is so much more than page ranking. It’s about communicating value and meaning to your audience. That means you need to understand your audience in order to maximize your limited communication window. Los Angeles SEO user psychology can help you make your audience feel, think, and do things purposefully.

This isn’t some Jedi mind trick that will dupe your audience into doing something they don’t want to do.… read more “Conquering Los Angeles SEO with User Psychology”

Tips on SEO Algorithms for Los Angeles

Algorithms are the complex sets of operational steps that perform calculations and process data. They’re also responsible for determining link value and help to rank your site on search engines. There are a few different Los Angeles SEO algorithms that you need to consider when creating strategy for your digital campaign.

Google is the most visited search engine on the web, so it should come as no surprise that they employ highly sophisticated algorithms to determine which links and sites are high quality and which should be discounted.… read more “Tips on SEO Algorithms for Los Angeles”

Making Premium Los Angeles SEO Content

Creating high quality, focused, and truly engaging content is vital to any SEO campaign. That means you need to do more than throw keywords onto a page and hope for the best. The most successful campaigns begin in the same way—with detailed planning and strategy.

This blog is dedicated to creating highly engaging Los Angeles SEO content.… read more “Making Premium Los Angeles SEO Content”

SEO Link Building for Los Angeles: A Guide

Anyone involved in an SEO campaign will tell you one thing—it’s all about links. If you wish to create a successful digital campaign, it is vital that high quality links point to your site. Links that are earned and natural are the most valued by search engines like Google. This also means that links that are low quality can be penalized and illegitimate ones can even harm your ranking.… read more “SEO Link Building for Los Angeles: A Guide”

Creating Rich Snippets for Los Angeles SEO

 Los Angeles SEO snippetsOne of the best ways to increase your site’s exposure is through the creation and use of rich snippets. But just what in the world are snippets? Snippets are those brief lines of text that are under every search result listed by search engines. They are designed to give users an idea of what is on the page, why it’s relevant to their search, and ultimately help users determine whether or not they should click on the site or move on to the next one.… read more “Creating Rich Snippets for Los Angeles SEO”