The loser of a lawsuit should be forced to pay the winners’ fees. Otherwise the legal process is abused. Also – we need a far cheaper and more efficient legal system. Small claims lawsuits should go to $50,000 and be resolved with a twenty minute hearing. Medium claims lawsuits should go from $50,000 to $1 million and should be resolved with a one day hearing.… read more “Legal System”
Category: Uncategorized
I have been caffeine free now for sixty days. The chemical changes you more than you think. It is nice to be me again.
Why are products getting worse from big businesses?
The core of the problem is “fractional reserve banking”. This is what allows incompetent elites to gain control of formerly great businesses like Google and Microsoft.
The way it works is that elites give their banker buddies the special ability to loan $20 for each $1 in deposits they get. This effectively allows them to gamble with the $20 and if a stock price goes up, they win big.… read more “Why are products getting worse from big businesses?”
USD Ponzi Scheme
The finance term for the Ponzi scheme is “fractional reserve banking”. It corrupts Adam Smith capitalism.
The way it works is simple- the government allows certain market players an unfair advantage… They can loan out money they don’t have. If the investment goes up, they make tons of money. If it goes down, the limited liability company allows them to walk away this pushing losses onto the public.… read more “USD Ponzi Scheme”
How companies turn evil
Corporations turn evil when their founders lose power or leave. Google used to be a genuinely wonderful force for good. But finance people can borrow money at extremely cheap interest rates from government cronies due to the US fractional reserve system. Then the MBAs offer so much money founders basically can’t refuse. Then the companies end up publicly traded and only work on pushing up their next quarters earnings, this becoming evil.
Modern finance
Have you seen businesses that behave like sociopaths? Laying off good employees at random to boost a quarterly report, cutting the value provided to its customers, breaking promises to employees?
Modern finance is the true villain; it removes businesses from the hands of the real founders who understand it and puts it in the hands of clueless MBAs and greedy financiers.… read more “Modern finance”
Five days in
Preface: I voted for Biden in 2020.
Despite the absurd claims of the far left media, five days into the new administration, I am very happy with the policy progress being made.
Racist rules requiring hiring to be done according to discriminatory racial quotas have been overturned. Now everyone has a fair shot at getting government jobs or contracts.… read more “Five days in”
Do you want American businesses to use ethnic minority slave labor? Or to have small children work 16 hours a day 7 days a week? I definitely do not. Yet everyday both you and I buy goods that were produced in countries that do exactly that. The majority of goods in our homes were produced by slaves and children in China and in many other countries.… read more “Tariffs”
Education or Indoctrination?
As the father of four children, two of them who already attend public school part time, I am deeply concerned about the state of education in our country.
Despite massive spending on education in the United States, our kids are falling farther behind their international peers. The Federal government became heavily involved in education in 1980 with the creation of the Department of Education and since then student performance has dropped.… read more “Education or Indoctrination?”
People through the history of the human species, millions of years, had children early and often as their bodies could until they either aged out or died. People have a strong biological urge to have sex that the brain is not able to override. This evolved because people who did not want sex did not have children and their genes were not passed on.… read more “People”