My recruiting philosophy

I wrote this in an email today to my recruiting team, but I think it is important to share here too. Hopefully other companies will learn from it.

We strongly believe in our skills test based recruiting and hiring methods… it is the fairest possible system where we hire the best candidate available to us regardless of whether or not they could afford to go to college, or which college they could attend, or their previous work experience (or lack thereof in some cases), their location in the world, or any other factor that is not directly related to who will do the best work for us day to day.… read more “My recruiting philosophy”

Henry Ford on How To Increase GDP

Henry Ford wrote extensively about how to increase GDP. What is GDP? Gross Domestic Product in his opinion is chiefly driven by increasing the amount of developed power available. This is electrical power and transportation power from all sources… Dams, coal, solar, wind, and nuclear power.

Henry Ford wrote that developed power is the reason Americans of his time lived such good lives compared to the rest of the world… In Morocco, people had to thresh wheat by hand where in America that a machine that could thresh 1,000 times more wheat per hour than a man could by hand.… read more “Henry Ford on How To Increase GDP”

Message for CEO Jeannine Grinnell of Valley Medical Center

Jeannine Grinnell, I heard your “Message from the CEO” dozens of times while I was waiting on hold. I called Valley Medical Center 5 times and each time I was put on hold for ten minutes before being hung up on.

Apparently, my frustrations with Valley Medical Center are not unique. Currently, the Google My Business reviews show a 2.7 star rating with 468 reviews.… read more “Message for CEO Jeannine Grinnell of Valley Medical Center”

Why Doctor’s Don’t Email

Doctor’s don’t email because putting something in writing creates liability that could be used against them in court. The second reason is stupid government regulations… namely HIPAA… a law that created massive bureaucracy and killed many patients.