At the Lakers game right now with my company- tara, Hiren, david and I. The game against the rockets is now going to overtime.
Category: Uncategorized
Jeremys LA Bonfire Party
Jeremy bought a little metal fireplace and threw a party for his friends. Levi, jenny, jason, rachel, Stephanie and of course jeremy and I all attended.
Olive Pit off i5
Titanic selection of every type of olive imaginable… delicious.
What’s cookin?
New Years 2010
Fletch and Corey threw a great party tonight, complete with a full shoulder of pulled pork. Delicious.
Skiing at Grandparents Cabin
Im up at my grandparents cabin with Bestemor and Grandpa and Josh and Sarah.
Fridas Snuggie from Justin
Doggie torture.
Christmas at Grandparents
Tar ani went to my grandparents house for christmas with josh, uncle jeff and robin and uncle jim and his family.
Roadtrip to Seattle
Driving to Seattle with Tara and Frida. Lots of presents in the backseat, just like Santa Claus.
Tara is in a bad mood and is still learning to drive the stick shift… terrifying for me.
Professional Website Design – Venice Beach CA
323-984-9949 – Professional Web Design Firm
Coalition Technologies is a leading professional website design firm in Venice Beach that brings a wide array of technical skills, artistry and e-commerce experience to bear on web design projects ranging from straightforward content sites and online communities to sophisticated shopping portals and booking engines. In fact, despite a successful track record of working with larger brands and corporate clients, we also strive to work with businesses based in the Venice Beach area as much as possible. … read more “Professional Website Design – Venice Beach CA”