Pork Tenderloin Recipe

Solo dinner tonight. It’s going to be a battle: 1 big man versus 2.5 pounds of pork tenderloin.

-2.5 pounds of pork tenderloin
-olive oil
-salt and pepper
-maple syrup

Cut a slice down the pork tenderloin and stuff all the good stuff into that slit. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.

Let rest for five minutes while gazing hungrily then destroy that meat.… read more “Pork Tenderloin Recipe”

Desktop apps & web apps

Many people have discounted the desktop application as web applications have soared in popularity. I think that will change as desktop apps and web apps become better integrated. You will be able to work on your desktop apps at native speeds while it automatically saves and uploads your work to the web in the background. That way you can access your information anywhere, but still have high speeds at home and work.… read more “Desktop apps & web apps”