Washington State and 11 other states have banned the use of ICE engines starting in eight years. Why would any business invest in improvements to their oil pumping and refining infrastructure or try to find ways to build more efficient engines knowing that? I also am very concerned about our environment, but lithium has been overhyped – it requires extremely damaging strip mining and toxic leach fields – https://www.euronews.com/… read more “National Security & Environmental Risks”
Category: Uncategorized
Watch “How Long Would Society Last During a Total Grid Collapse?” on YouTube
Letter to my wife
The world humanity lived in for the last 100,00 years is radically different from the world of the last 5,000 years, which is radically different than the world of the last 200 years, which is radically different than the world of the last 10 years. Exponential, true exponential growth, in technology is swamping our poor monkey brains.… read more “Letter to my wife”
Socialization needs with children
I am a person with a high need for socialization. Throughout my life, I have strongly sought to be around people.
Our kids provide that socialization in spades. I find that I need only ten percent of the outside socialization I needed previous to having kids. And when I got married, I needed only half the socialization I needed prior to that.… read more “Socialization needs with children”
Lies of the Liberals and Lies of the Conservatives
Liberal lies:
-Production goods and services come from labor. Without a few great business geniuses and their massive investments, we would not have nearly the amount of high quality goods and services we do today. Example: the tech for engines existed for decades until Henry Ford perfected the automobile and massively scaled up production.
-Giving money away is good.… read more “Lies of the Liberals and Lies of the Conservatives”
Better Regulatory Framework for America
America’s regulatory framework today consists of government agencies that are very inefficient and slow, because they have no accountability to anyone.
If we got rid of all of the regulatory agencies and shifted that work to the courts, we would see much better outcomes with higher efficiency.
I would also greatly reduce the costs of the legal system, make judges accountable (ie they can be fired easily if they do a bad job), and make it more accessible.… read more “Better Regulatory Framework for America”
Multicare Emergency Room Scam on South Hill, WA
I went to what I thought was a small MultiCare Indigo Urgent Care facility on South Hill with a hand injury. I was there for less than a half hour and sat in a chair and a doctor rush in and rush out in less than two minutes.
A couple of months later, I got a bill from Multicare for $2,066.… read more “Multicare Emergency Room Scam on South Hill, WA”
FTX: Greed, Grift and Grandiosity
USDA ERS – ERS Tracks Meat Prices at the Retail, Wholesale, and Farm Levels
Something is wrong here. Ranchers are getting less money while meat packers get more. Looks like a monopoly?
First Fifth Wheel Road Trip
I bought a new-to-me fifth wheel a couple of weeks ago, a 2021 Keystone Montana High Country 40′ long, that the previous owner lived in for a little over a year and kept in excellent condition.
My family and I slept in it the first night in our driveway to test it out and had fun.… read more “First Fifth Wheel Road Trip”