I love the cover of the New York Times right now- it is an article about a creepy child molesting priest accompanied of a very stereotypical photo of him leering at his altar boys.
Category: Uncategorized
Oh Happy Day
Friday Night
Hermosa Beach Homes
Chipped Tooth
I just chipped another front tooth. The top one on the left in the photo closest to the middle. I was playing basketball and tried to block a shot, but the guy faked it and swung his arm up and his elbow hit me in the jaw.
This really sucks since i already had a chipped tooth further to the left in thephoto and two teeth that need crowns.… read more “Chipped Tooth”
Respiratory Consultants of Santa Monica
I am in the waiting room of Respiratory Consultants of Santa Monica to get the cough I have had for three years checked out. Other people have been on me for a long time to get it figured out so I’m finally doing it. I went to Dr. Kassab of Virginia Mason in Seattle a year and a half ago and after running tests and spending hundreds of my dollars, he never got to the bottom of it.… read more “Respiratory Consultants of Santa Monica”
Before it rained, some vile person stuck flyers to my windshield and the rain made them glue onto my windshield. I had to spend twenty minutes at chevron scrubbing it off. I hate getting flyers stuck to my car. Terrible advertising: makes people loathe your business.
BORING. But at least I had my friends (levi, jj, Trent, Aaron) over to eat good sausage and whole grain mustard. How did hurt locker win? That movie was solid but not great.