Basketball guy stuck his finger in my eye today.
Category: Uncategorized
Anvil! Movie
The Anvil! movie is about a band of men who’ve hung on to their dream to become rockstars for many years despite never having had much success. They are so old and desperate and sad. I really like their positive attitude and unfailing belief in the face of very little success for many many years though.… read more “Anvil! Movie”
Business meeting in compton
Trents Dads Parting Gifts
Seaworld Visit
Bad idea
San Diego Vacation
Sifting Rocks And Hot Springs
Get to or Have to
How much of your day is spent doing things you HAVE To do versus thing you GET to do?
My experience has shown me that people who spend more time on the GET to’s are much happier than those who always HAVE to do something.
For some people, this is a result of their success or lack thereof and they don’t have a choice. … read more “Get to or Have to”