Hamburg Farms

Shortly after gassing up and getting food in Hamburg Farms at 1am, I realized I was getting dangerously tired. I stopped and slept at a rest stop to nap in my car till 330 am. Now I am happy to be back on the road. ETA: 730 am.

Willows, CA

Taking a rest stop in Willows, CA right now. Food options are McD’s, Diarrhea Bell, and Dennys. I chose McDonalds; haven’t eaten at on in several years. Food is the same as when I stopped; greasy & ok tasting. Planning on finding a dark spot to park my car and nap for an hour before hitting the road again.… read more “Willows, CA”

Climb Mt. Shasta?

I spotted Mt. Shasta today and was really tempted to stop my trip and climb it. Decided it is a better idea to wait for next season and do it with a friend. It is 300 feet shorter than Rainier and much safer, though there is crevasses and rockfall danger.

Going Away Party

The going away party last night at Ozzies was a lot of fun. Lots of good friends showed up to drink beer with me. Nick and Shawn spent the night at my house with me so none of us had to drive. Thank you to everyone who made it!