Saw a funny quote on Jesus online:
“They say Jesus was a carpenter? I’m not buying it. I see those crosses everywhere. I mean if Jesus wasn’t a marketer I don’t know what he was. “
Saw a funny quote on Jesus online:
“They say Jesus was a carpenter? I’m not buying it. I see those crosses everywhere. I mean if Jesus wasn’t a marketer I don’t know what he was. “
Pushed through the night to LA. Made it in 22 hours (a couple of food/gas/nap breaks). I am really happy to be here; Jeremy and Is place is nice… And the location is 30 yards from Venice beach. I will upload a video tour soon. I need to sleep first though. 22 hours of driving tired me out.… read more “Los Angeles!”
Shortly after gassing up and getting food in Hamburg Farms at 1am, I realized I was getting dangerously tired. I stopped and slept at a rest stop to nap in my car till 330 am. Now I am happy to be back on the road. ETA: 730 am.
Taking a rest stop in Willows, CA right now. Food options are McD’s, Diarrhea Bell, and Dennys. I chose McDonalds; haven’t eaten at on in several years. Food is the same as when I stopped; greasy & ok tasting. Planning on finding a dark spot to park my car and nap for an hour before hitting the road again.… read more “Willows, CA”
450 miles into my trip, I am taking my first rest stop. Got gas (stupid OR rules require an attendant to fill your tank), about to eat at a shady Thai/Chinese restaurant, and then do stretches and maybe cat nap before I knock out another 450 miles. Debating trying to push all the way through to LA today.… read more “Medford, OR Pitstop”
Locked my keys in my running car by accident and had to have usaa roadside assistance come help. Rolling down i5 to LA now.
Read Siddhartha in a single sitting this morning while I waited for Tara to get home from work. Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, is one of the best books I’ve read and I strongly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read it yet. It’s about the life journey of a wise man… Almost like a parable, but far more vivid.… read more “Siddhartha by Herman Hesse”
Spotted this on trents blog:
No matter what you do in L.A., your behavior is appropriate for the city. Los Angeles has no assumed correct mode of use. You can have fake breasts and drive a Ford Mustang – or you can grow a beard, weigh 300 pounds, and read Christian science fiction novels. Either way, you’re fine: that’s just how it works.… read more “City of LA”