Los Angeles!

Pushed through the night to LA. Made it in 22 hours (a couple of food/gas/nap breaks). I am really happy to be here; Jeremy and Is place is nice… And the location is 30 yards from Venice beach. I will upload a video tour soon. I need to sleep first though. 22 hours of driving tired me out.… read more “Los Angeles!”

Hamburg Farms

Shortly after gassing up and getting food in Hamburg Farms at 1am, I realized I was getting dangerously tired. I stopped and slept at a rest stop to nap in my car till 330 am. Now I am happy to be back on the road. ETA: 730 am.

Willows, CA

Taking a rest stop in Willows, CA right now. Food options are McD’s, Diarrhea Bell, and Dennys. I chose McDonalds; haven’t eaten at on in several years. Food is the same as when I stopped; greasy & ok tasting. Planning on finding a dark spot to park my car and nap for an hour before hitting the road again.… read more “Willows, CA”

Climb Mt. Shasta?

I spotted Mt. Shasta today and was really tempted to stop my trip and climb it. Decided it is a better idea to wait for next season and do it with a friend. It is 300 feet shorter than Rainier and much safer, though there is crevasses and rockfall danger.