The going away party last night at Ozzies was a lot of fun. Lots of good friends showed up to drink beer with me. Nick and Shawn spent the night at my house with me so none of us had to drive. Thank you to everyone who made it!
Category: Uncategorized
Living Well
Great great Auntie Em
I visited my great great auntie Em today. After seeing an old picture of my grandfather putting bunny ears on her, I thought it would be kind to visit Auntie Em in her assisted living home. I am happy that I did, she was really happy to see me. I hate that old people in our society are so segregated from the rest of people.… read more “Great great Auntie Em”
Family Visit
Leaving Visible Technologies
I literally just walked out the door of Visible Technologies for the last time. The last three years of my life have been spent there working on SEO, web design, product management and many other interesting responsibilities. I met many great people and had a lot of fun, but I’m really excited to move to LA and start a new phase of my life.… read more “Leaving Visible Technologies”
Sun on I90
Efficient Companies
I am curious: are there any companies that pay their employees entirely or nearly entirely based upon the work that they do? I am not talking about multilevel marketing or just sales, but manufacturing or corporate offices?
The model seems much more efficient to me since it direclt aligns employee goals with employer goals.
MediaTemple Dedicated Virtual Server
Just bought a dedicated virtual server from Media Temple to host a bunch of my sites. Now I need to learn how to use Plesk. I’ll let you know what I find out.