Swine Flu Spreading

A dangerous new strain of the flu that humans have no immunity to is rapidly spreading in Mexico.‚  All public events and schools in Mexico City have been shut down until further notice.‚  So far 81 people are dead and 1,324 have been infected.‚  Apparently children have some sort of defense against the swine flu that adults do not.‚ … read more “Swine Flu Spreading”

Moved to Factoria Today

Plato, Nick and my grandpa were kind enough to help me move today in exchange for Dim Sum in the International District. I’m not sure what to think of Factoria at this point. I’ll give it a fair chance, but it is definitely suburbia. I’ve also started to feel restless lately… maybe I’ll sell everything and move to Tibet and worship monkeys or whatever they do there ;).

Eggs & Kimchi

I tried making eggs with kimchi this morning and had a bit of a failure… I put the kimchi in the eggs too early and ended up cooking it a bit so it doesn’t taste as good.‚  And I made an 18 egg omellette.‚  Ugh.

Conficker: Monster Computer Worm About To Go Live

On April 1, 2009, the world’s largest computer worm will go online creating potentially the most powerful parallel computer in history, harnessing the power of 12 million or more computers captured.‚  Previous computer hackers have used their enormously powerful bot networks to do such inane things as try to hack captcha’s or send spam.‚  Hopefully the hacker who created Conficker has no higher ambitions.‚ … read more “Conficker: Monster Computer Worm About To Go Live”


My company is moving to Factoria and I am debating what to do.‚  My options are to commute across the I-90 bridge, move to Factoria, find a new job or start my own biz.‚  Leaning towards simply moving over there right now.‚  I am going to go view places on Saturday.