My roommate from my sophomore year of college is in Seattle and we went out last night. Some of the photos from our adventure our below.
Category: Uncategorized
Carlton Banks Dancing
I found this funny compilation of Carlton Banks dancing. Carlton Banks was the character who was the butt of most of Will Smith’s jokes on the classic show “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air”.
Such a great show.… read more “Carlton Banks Dancing”
My United States Traffic
Check out the image below to see where my blog is the most popular.
The major population centers are highlighted (California, New York & Florida), but I also get quite a bit of traffic in Washington, Oregon, Texas and Illinois.
Auto Truck Voltmeter Gauge
The Auto Truck Volmeter Gauge is a useful tool to ensure that your electric charging system is running strong in your truck. If your charging system fails you will regret not having the guage to have warned you that it was about to die. This is a must have tool that will benefit you many times.… read more “Auto Truck Voltmeter Gauge”
Drive Thru Banking
You probably shouldn’t do your drive thru banking this way.
Fortunately, no one was injured. Looks really bad when the roof squishes the cab though, doesn’t it?… read more “Drive Thru Banking”
New Iphone 3G
I just picked it up today! It rocks! I am going to figure out how to blog from it.
I am really unhappy with AT&T right now. I have been a loyal AT&T customer for almost six years since the original AT&T which was rebranded Cingular, which was RE-rebranded AT&T… I hope they rebrand to REBRAND soon, it would be more fitting than the other names they have tried lol.
Anyways, I ordered an Apple iPhone 3G from the AT&T store on Pine & 6th in Pacific Place (mall in Seattle, WA) and received an email today telling me that I could come pick it up.… read more “AT&T – GARBAGE CUSTOMER SERVICE!”
AMERICAN FLAG (made in China)
A sign of the times…
Even the American flag pins are now made in China.
Heath Ledger Demotivational Poster
Funny Heath Ledger Demotivational Poster