DelTaco Scam

Smooth talking big boy manages to get himself some free food from a DelTaco in California…

… but after he posted the video to Youtube and it got 20,000 hits someone reported him to the police. The police in Rialto (the city where the DelTaco video was filmed) arrested Robert Echeveria (the star) and brought him up on charges for stealing $15 of food.… read more “DelTaco Scam”

Legend Brett Favre Retires

My favorite NFL player- Brett Favrre – has just retired.Brett Favre

Brett Favre, the greatest quarterback in NFL history, announced his retirement today. Brett Favre has played in the National Football League for 17 seasons, never once missing a game. Favre is widely recognized as one of the toughest human beings around after surviving a brutal career and always stepping up to any challenge.… read more “Legend Brett Favre Retires”

King of America: Luke Esser (WA state Republican Party Chairman)

Luke Esser is one of the King of America’s newest heroes. Currently serving as the Republican Party Chairman in Washington state, Luke Esser decided he knew what the outcome of voting in Washington state would be before the votes were in. Luke Esser called Luke Esser is the Chairman of the Republican Party of Washington Statethe election in John McCain’s favor over Mike Huckabee with only 93% of the vote counted.… read more “King of America: Luke Esser (WA state Republican Party Chairman)”

The Growth Of Joel’s Blog

My site has started getting more reader involvement, traffic and high search engine rankings lately. I’m pretty happy that people appreciate the blog enough to come and read and comment. Below are some of my results from the time I opened the blog back in September.

The graph of traffic for Joel’s Blog

As you can see from the chart above, my traffic has greatly increased during the month of January.… read more “The Growth Of Joel’s Blog”

President Bush Pardons His Administration For War Crimes

Gotta love our president. After the Supreme Court declared that detainees were covered under the Geneva Convention, President George W. Bush became very frightened. So what did he do? He pushes a bill through Congress with a tiny provision buried deep inside that gives himself and everyone in his administration IMMUNITY FROM WAR CRIMES PROSECUTION retroactive to September 11, 2001.… read more “President Bush Pardons His Administration For War Crimes”

Asian Markets Continue Collapse

The asian markets are in deep trouble, having lost over 6% of their value in the last two days. Most financial markets worldwide have felt the pain, from Germany to Japan. Perhaps I have misjudged the extent to which other markets still rely on the United States… we could be looking at a global pandemic.

Financial markets worldwide begin to collapse