Hoo- RAH!

We had another motivational company-wide meeting today. Each of our top managers took turns talking about why what we are doing is important and what we should do about it. They had intended to have a quick 20 minute meeting followed by pizza, but they ended up stretching it out for 45 minutes. One unnamed manager, when trying to respond to the question, “What is our company mission?”,… read more “Hoo- RAH!”

Friend in Iran: Secret Code

If you say the first part, you mean the second… so if you say “I walked the dog” it means “I masturbated furiously”.

“The trees are watching me” means “The Iranian secret police followed me home”

“I found a cherry tree” means “I had sex with a hairy Persian virgin”

“A stick poked me” means “I am now involved in the underground gay scene”

“Allah save us all” means “The government is torturing me for my crimes”

“A bounty of joy has come from my conversion to Islam” means “I am laundering cash”

“A bone fell from the sky” means “I went to a wedding and took home three Persian virgins and made sweet love to them for a solid week.… read more “Friend in Iran: Secret Code”