Category: Uncategorized
Royalty and Clergy Are Parasites
Listening to a history lecture. Royalty and Clergy have been parasites for centuries, taking massive chunks of the economy without providing value. Why do we still have any interest in the Queen of England and other royalty who enjoy riches without producing anything?
Guilds and Unions Held Back Progress for Centuries
I am listening to an interesting lecture on economics 1400- modern times. Apparently, guilds and trade unions controlled supply and kept prices high. Trade unions also prevented new ideas from coming into production. Horrifying that the greed of a few kept all of humanity enslaved longer than necessary.
Government Solutions
When Americans asked the government to come up with economic solutions for the Covid pandemic, it was a disaster. The government gave out money via unemployment programs without basic fraud checks, resulting in hundreds of billions of dollars going to overseas fraudsters. The program to give money to businesses did not have intelligent means testing, resulting in hundreds of billions more being wasted on companies that did not need it.… read more “Government Solutions”
When the Crime Wave Hits Your Family
How To Improve Service Academies
We have a bunch of service academies (West Point, Annapolis, Air Force Academy) that all really don’t have any clear competition or measurements of effectiveness. I propose each military branch have at least THREE service academies that feed it, then we compare the results of their graduates to determine which get funding and which get shut down and replaced with another new test.
Groups Never Admit Failure
Reasons for optimism after a difficult year | Bill Gates
Here is why you should keep $0 in cash ideally
Animal World
Unpopular proposal: the animal world does it better. Older animals never slowly degenerate into nightmarish parodies of their former selves. When they slow down too much, they are killed and rejoin the circle of life.
When I think about slowly deteriorating into a dementia-ridden, wheelchair-bound elder living in a nursing home I am struck with horror.… read more “Animal World”