It’s Your Friends Who Break Your Heart – The Atlantic

After reading this I sent the following text to the friend who shared it with me:

I value our friendship very highly. Our conversation in Venice about children being the purpose of life and only viable form of immortality eventually led me to rebuild my entire life around that. Now I spend all of my time with my kids and wife and am trying to have more.… read more “It’s Your Friends Who Break Your Heart – The Atlantic”

Spanking, and a reflection on other violence

First and foremost, we always need to fully comply with the law.

I read a number of articles and information on spanking, as well as on the reproducibility crisis in social sciences and psychology.

A lot of studies supposedly show that spanking has negative outcomes. However, the studies that do so lump together people who beat their children with fists around the face with those who do measured spanks on the butt.… read more “Spanking, and a reflection on other violence”