Month: June 2023
Watch “Fixing Broken Sprinkler Riser Hose” on YouTube
Low-ball house / property offers
I have spent the last year making a hobby of looking at properties and houses. Most of them I have made offers on have been pretty extreme lowballs for the current market. I believe with continued fed interest rate increases, the housing market will see price decreases. So I believe my offers are fair valuations.
I have learned a lot so far from this.… read more “Low-ball house / property offers”
Watch “I don’t believe the 2nd law of thermodynamics. (The most uplifting video I’ll ever make.)” on YouTube
Idea I have… Since the Big Bang, the universe has been running down from very low entropy and high energy state to a very high entropy and low energy state. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, so all that energy will be converted to mass. The universe is currently supposedly expanding at a growing rate. Perhaps there will be a time when that growth slows or even reverses?… read more “Watch “I don’t believe the 2nd law of thermodynamics. (The most uplifting video I’ll ever make.)” on YouTube”
Watch “Rowan Atkinson on free speech” on YouTube
Free speech is the most important element of a democracy. Get rid of free speech, even hate speech, and you now live in a dictatorship.
Watch “The A.I. Dilemma – March 9, 2023” on YouTube
Being a good dad means getting wet unexpectedly

I was at the Eatonville high school pool for my kids swim lessons. I was sitting in the bleachers without my phone thankfully. I had put it away so I could focus on watching my kids. My daughter, Kate, jumped in off the wall when it was not her turn with the swim instructor and no one saw.… read more “Being a good dad means getting wet unexpectedly”