Education or Indoctrination?

As the father of four children, two of them who already attend public school part time, I am deeply concerned about the state of education in our country.

Despite massive spending on education in the United States, our kids are falling farther behind their international peers. The Federal government became heavily involved in education in 1980 with the creation of the Department of Education and since then student performance has dropped.

I don’t pretend to have the magic bullet, but I think forcing our entire nation of 50 states to all do the same exact thing has failed utterly. I would love to see the power to decide how education works returned to each state.

That way parents and students could freely choose what sort of education system they wanted by the state they lived in. I would love some states to offer programs like vouchers where all the tax dollars for a student would follow that student where their family thought was best, whether that be a private school or even home school. I would love to see a great variety of education approaches, some totally different than Common Core.

The federal Department of Education has pushed far left political indoctrination of our children that has replaced the teaching of math and reading and science.

I would very much like to see the failed federal Department of Education closed down and the power to educate our kids returned to the local states, so you and I could choose how to best educate our own children.

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.