Even the wealthy can’t get healthcare in America

I am pretty well off now, as I founded and built a business with 250 full time employees. I have solid health insurance.

But even I can’t get good healthcare. My wife and I were very sick last night with the stomach flu, as were two of our children. We are in our RV currently in Palm Springs, California.

Taking care of a baby who was vomiting and having diarrhea while suffering from the same symptoms myself was severely unpleasant.

I would have loved to go to a hospital and received care for each of us. The problem is that hospitals charge tens of thousands of dollars per night and doctors charge tens of thousands more. So we suffered on our own.

Why is medical care in America so overpriced? The American Medical Association has a monopoly on medical care and strictly limits the numbers of new doctors allowed to practice each year. Restricting supply for an inelastic demand service pushes prices sky high.

Imagine going to a nice hospital that was priced like a nice hotel… A couple of hundred dollars for the night. Imagine government deregulation of healthcare so many more people could compete as doctors and nurses, so we would only pay a few hundred dollars for their services.

We must remove the monopoly stranglehold the American Medical Association and related groups have on healthcare… They currently steal 1/4 of our entire GDP!

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.