Family Philosophy

The purpose of life is to have a family. Science shows this is the case for every living creature on our planet. Below are the principles for successfully having a family:

  1. Have as many children as you can. Children are simple; they just need food, shelter, and clothing. Everything else is just gravy. Humans have had lots of children for hundreds of thousands of years with far less resources than you have.
  2. Take care of yourself with healthy eating and exercising. Just going on a walk of a mile or two will do you a world of good.
  3. Take care of your spouse. Never cheat. Never lie. Be reliable and do what you say you will do.  Help out.
  4. Involve your extended family and friends if possible in helping with your children. Children are best raised in a community. Humans are tribal animals.
  5. Discipline your children. Your job is not to be buddies with your kids; you are the parent and need to help your children survive and thrive.
  6. Teach your children. Teach them how to survive and thrive in any situation. Hunt, fish, farm, read, math, socialize, etc.
  7. Carefully monitor who influences your kids. Know their friends and teachers. Strictly limit their internet and computer access and use.

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

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