Google just released its new web browser, Google Chrome and I am going to do a short
Google Chrome Review below. ‚ You can download Google Chrome by visiting this site:‚
Google Chrome has a bunch of new features that are pretty cool. ‚ One of the primary features you will notice right away is that instead of having one box for typing in addresses and another for doing a Google or Live search, you use the same intelligent box for both. ‚ Google Chrome uses Google search to help you search and it recognizes if you are trying to go to a web address instead.

The single coolest feature offered by Google Chrome over Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer is the ability to drag tabs out to create a new window or drag tabs between various open windows. ‚ I typically do a lot of my web browsing with many tabs open at a time and I have wished for this feature for a long time.
Google Chrome also is much better at handling crashes because each tab is its own seperate process. ‚ This means that when one tab crashes, you don’t lose your entire session of all windows you had open. ‚ Pretty amazing.
Another interesting feature is the ability to run web applications without opening a browser. ‚ I am not sure how this works yet, but I’ll be digging into it soon.
For you married men who look at porn and don’t want your wife & kids finding out, Google Chrome also has an incognito mode which does not save the pages you are looking at to your web history.
Google Chrome also has a variety of other features that I’m not going to get into in this review, including protection from phishing & spam sites, instant bookmarking and unobtrusive download management.
Why did Google decide to launch a browser to compete with Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox? ‚ I think that Google is not targetting Firefox in this effort nearly so much as Microsoft. ‚ Google is concerned that Microsoft could make some tweaks to Internet Explorer that would discourage users from visiting the core product in Google’s portfolio- it’s search engine ‚ Google Chrome is intended to give Google a foot in the door of the browser market so that it can better protect it’s business interests. ‚
Big portions of computing have started to move to be web based and this trend is going to continue to accelerate as time goes on. ‚ Most people don’t have the technical know-how to maintain computing machines, so it makes more sense to have elite tech workers maintain servers that do most of the computing work. ‚ People also want to be able to access their desktop and applications from anywhere, not just their home computer. ‚ I think that Google Chrome is a part of Google’s grand business plan to continue to hold market leadership in the web applications arena. ‚ ‚
What do you guys think about Google Chrome? ‚ Anyone else have Google Chrome reviews?
I like Google so far. I have been testing it against Firefox and it seems much faster for load times. I don’t like the absence of StumbleUpon or the seeming lack of a traditional File and Settings menu.