One thing to remember – motion is not progress. Many times just one keyword gives 80% of revenue on SEO or PPC. Same thing in management. Focusing 80% of your time in one core critical area could do more for profits than anything.
Watch “Warren Buffett: Why Going To Business School Is A Waste Of Time” on YouTube
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Do Not Accept American Express
Should small businesses accept American Express? I highly recommend against it.
Not just because of their higher fees… no there is a much darker side to American Express. American Express’s chargeback dispute center almost never sides with the merchant even when provided with signed contracts and extensive work documentation. Visa and Mastercard are far more fair here and make just decisions.… read more “Do Not Accept American Express”
Watch “Richard Nixon Predicted Putin and Russia (1994)” on YouTube
Watch “What Amish Schools Are Like
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Watch “Invited To Amish Dinner
” on YouTube
Start at ten minutes.