Opposing abortions "with exceptions" is a morally incoherent position. Either the child in the womb is a human being and abortion is murder, or not. If not, there is no reason to oppose abortion at all. But if so, it is insane to support murdering a child under any circumstance.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) January 2, 2023
Stanford hates fun | Hacker News
This applies to society in general. Too many rules and regulations, and too many administrators crush the life out of people.
Human Neurons
The internet is turning us into involuntary neurons as part of a larger developing organism. We spend most of our time connected to the internet and waiting for something to trigger us. I am not really sure if we would be akin to muscle cells or brain cells or some hybrid. I would rather not be a part of this though.… read more “Human Neurons”
Bonelli Bluffs RV Park is Great!

Business schools
The best business books ever written were written by the best business men to ever live. Sam Walton, Henry Ford, and to a lesser extent, Charles Koch and Larry Ellison, wrote very readable books on how they did it with gems of wisdom on every page.
I went to business school and did not get assigned one business autobiography in my whole four year education.… read more “Business schools”
Lots of people don’t believe in themselves by default. I do believe in myself by default. I like to do things myself because of it. I write my own contracts instead of hiring a lawyer, I repair my heavy equipment instead of a mechanic. I build my own sheds instead of hiring a builder.
Usually it works out.
Blu Rolland was allegedly drowned in toilet
People who torture and kill children should face the worst imaginable torture and death if they are found guilty at trial. It should be public to dissuade other abusers from committing similar heinous acts.
My recruiting philosophy
I wrote this in an email today to my recruiting team, but I think it is important to share here too. Hopefully other companies will learn from it.
We strongly believe in our skills test based recruiting and hiring methods… it is the fairest possible system where we hire the best candidate available to us regardless of whether or not they could afford to go to college, or which college they could attend, or their previous work experience (or lack thereof in some cases), their location in the world, or any other factor that is not directly related to who will do the best work for us day to day.… read more “My recruiting philosophy”
The C.E.O. of Anti-Woke, Inc. | The New Yorker
Chat GPT is a Liberal Democrat