The Beer Pong Song is pretty entertaining, watch it below.
Vote for Nobody
Jeremy Arrives Tomorrow @ 11 PM
Scotch tasting will commence immediately, to be followed by spear fishing in the finest Seattle drinking establishments and finished with spoodling on my bed.
Don’t ask what spoodling is, you aren’t ready to understand.
4th of July is an open celebration for all my friends who wish to join Jeremy, Daniel and I. Prognosticators say that this will be the hottest day and night all summer, so don’t miss out.… read more “Jeremy Arrives Tomorrow @ 11 PM”
Rare Pic Shows Germans Had Star Wars Help in WW2
Leona Helmsley: The Evil Dead
Leona Helmsley was a wicked woman while alive and continues to live on in infamy after her death. Leona Helmsley’s husband, Harry Helmsley, was one of the wealthiest men in America and left his fortune to his evil wife. After Harry’s death, Leona Helmsley went off the deep end and treated everyone underneath her like dirt, from the executives that ran her company to the lowest maids who cleaned her house.… read more “Leona Helmsley: The Evil Dead”
Illegal to Talk On Cell While Driving In Washington
Talking on the cell phone while driving is now illegal in Washington State as of today. Anyone caught doing it will be fined $124. Talking on the cell phone while driving will be considered a secondary offense though, meaning that the police must find another reason to pull you over first if they want to ticket you.
Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong
Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong is accused by police of killing a pregnant woman by stabbing her multiple times in the chest and then pulling her almost full-term baby from her womb with the knife. The woman, Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong (pictured at right), is 23 years old and from Kennewick Washington. The court documents recently filed show that the victim, Araceli Camacho Gomez, a 27 year old woman from Pasco, Washington had her hands and feet tied up with yarn and then had her belly cut open by the psycho Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong.… read more “Phiengchai Sisouvanh Synhavong”
New Volumetrics Diet: Scam?
The volumetrics diet is a “new” diet being put forth by a nutritionist named Barbara Rolls that says you can eat as much as you want, with the restriction that the food you eat should be low in “energy”. So is the new volumetrics diet a scam? Actually, no. The diet isn’t anything spectacular or new, it’s simply what nutritionists have been advocating for a very long time and Barbara Rolls has done an especially good job of advertising.… read more “New Volumetrics Diet: Scam?”
John McCain Called His Wife…
… a ____ in front of reporters. Watch the funny video on what John McCain called his wife below:
Art Using Censor Bars
The funny video below is an interesting take on art- using the censor bars to create interesting designs. Watch the funny censor bar video below:
Can you think of any other creative uses for censor bars?… read more “Art Using Censor Bars”