Today I worked out with a personal trainer for the first time. I thought it would be weird or creepy, but I actually had fun. I just signed up for the Bally’s in Bellevue and they give you a free session with a personal trainer. My guy was named Jared. He had me do a few tests and then went through a workout, showing me a bunch of good core exercises as well as a power lift I hadn’t tried before. I have a higher body fat percentage than I thought I did though- I am currently at 15.5% (215 lbs at 6’6”). That is in the “Fitness” category just bordering on “Athlete”. The chart is below:
My goal is to reach 8% bodyfat by August 1, 2009, though I will be happy with 10%.‚ Ultimately, I think I would like to be at 6% bodyfat… that will be hard to reach and maintain, but I can do it.
I’m at 19% myself, trying to hit 10 or 11% by July 1. I’ll race you to the biggest percentage loss!
You’re on! 🙂
Allright, I’ll try my best. But I’m sort of thinking I’ll lose, just because I’ve yet to be able to quit drinking. But it’s to my advantage, I think, that I currently have the higher body-fat percentage (I think it will melt off me easier than if I were at 15.5%, like you.
Drinking is my Achilles heel. I eat fairly healthy and do quite a bit of exercise, but instead of a sweet tooth I have an alchy tooth. Speaking of alchy tooth, you should join me at my bbq Saturday. I’ll forward you the invite.