Big media is lying to us in the worst way. Republicans had a six hour get out the vote rally at Madison Square Garden. One of the speakers was a stand up comedian who made a joke about “there is an island of garbage in the ocean… It’s Puerto Rico”. You can see the full skit here – I don’t think he is especially funny, but I don’t think the routine was much different than any mainstream comic does.
NYTimes, Reuters, MSNBC, APNews and others all are currently leading their main websites with very misleading headlines about how racist the rally was. They are trying to lie to convince you to vote for Democrats. I recommend getting your news from, not outlets that lie to trick you into voting for their political agenda.

I used to love reading these sites and trusted them. Several years ago though, each started lying or heavily twisting the truth to try to score points for their political agenda. I would recommend using to get your news instead as you can get the news from many different voices and Community Notes shows who is lying or misleading people.
Also… George Lopez made a joke about Mexicans stealing things at a Kamala Harris rally and none of these sites said she was racist