Things I’ve cared about that I have changed my mind on

I thought it would be interesting to look back at things I cared enough about to write a blog or social media post on that I’ve later changed my mind on.

2007 I used to think the stock market was a good place to invest. I now think the stock market is where business owners sell their businesses when they no longer believe in them, that the stock market is at least partially rigged, and that retail investors get crushed by large scale investors. I would recommend far more that people invest in businesses they run themselves.

2007 I used to think that drinking alcohol was okay or even cool. I have seen too many people’s lives destroyed by it now, including damaging my own to believe that. The largest and most scientific studies now show that any amount of alcohol will reduce your longevity. I no longer drink alcohol and I do not think anyone else should.

2007 I used to believe that attending college was a good decision. I think that colleges have left their original purpose behind and no longer focus on educating young people. Colleges now focus on growing administrative staff and their salaries, pushing liberal political views, making revenues from sports, etc. I don’t think I would encourage my kids to attend college in college’s current incarnation unless they wanted a job that required a college degree like being a doctor or certain types of engineers.

2007 I used to think that watching sports was a good use of time. I think playing sports is great exercise, but watching sports is generally a waste of time.

I found a lot of items and didn’t even make it till November 2007!




Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

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