Trump – The Good and The Bad

Government operations: The far left has changed a lot of the rules in our how our country works over the last 4 years. I talked quite a bit throughout the Biden administration that these things they were doing (prosecution of their political enemies while letting their own folks go, twisting the way government funding works to push their own agenda, etc) was going to come back and bite them when it was done by someone else. Now it is happening and they are screaming as if they never did those things.

Government Transparency: The government should already be publicizing where all of these payments are going. Far left politicians are in a frenzy now because they have been robbing us blind and are terrified of getting caught. I think it is reasonable that us taxpayers know where our money is going?

Thins I don’t like with Trump now:

I don’t think we should have anything to do with the Israel – Gaza situation… that is not our problem to solve.

Eric Adams should probably have had his prosecution continue… that is a weird situation.

I don’t like some of Trump’s tactics (hence my original post here). I don’t like him saying Ukraine started the war or letting Eric Adams go. However, these are tactics straight out of the last 4 years from the other side. The way I see it is that he is fighting fire with fire most places. The far left snuck through a bunch of sneaky stuff like never being able to fire tenured federal government employees that now requires aggressive maneuvers like laying off everyone you legally are allowed to. I would rather this Pandora’s box have never been opened at all.

What I do like and what matters: A lot of this above stuff gets people angry, but does not affect the big picture much. If Russia conquers Ukraine or if Ukraine joins the EU, our lives are not affected much. Same with Israel – Palestine. Or Eric Adams.

What I care about that does impact the big picture:
-The last century has shown that it is nearly impossible to remove or even shrink government agencies after they are running. We have no bankruptcy mechanism for government like we do for private businesses. Government employees are unable to advance with better performance, only with seniority by law. This means most government employees become demoralized and stop working since nothing they do matters. Then more new government employees have to be hired to work until they too become demoralized and stop working. The government does not produce anything, it is a parasite on the economy. And the parasites are starting to outweigh the producers.
-The fractional reserve banking system allows “friends” of the government to loan out money they do not have, usually something like $10 for every $1 in deposits. If their loans succeed, they become very wealthy. If they fail, the limited liability company allows them to keep their personal winnings and dump their losses on the public. This allows the elites to take more wealth and power from those who do legitimate work.
-I have amazing people I who I have worked for for years who want to emigrate here from many countries. These people follow our laws and respect our country. I want to help them come. I do not want their place here taken by those who criminally break into our home. We need to prevent illegal immigration and follow the laws we have passed to bring the best folks who want to migrate here.
-For sixty years, the elites in America have sold out American industries to get rich quick off cheap imports. We have almost no manufacturing left here now. We need this so that we can secure our children’s futures. We desperately need far higher tariffs than even what Trump has proposed. Yes, that will raise prices dramatically and cause a lot of economic pain for awhile. But the payoff is that we will be able to feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, defend ourselves, and take care of our own people again.

Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.

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