Employee Productivity

I think there are 4 levels of productivity an employee can have:

  1. Doing work

  2. Doing work + reporting on the work (let Joel know)

  3. Doing work + reporting on the work + providing insights on the work (make recommendations)

  4. Doing work + reporting on the work + providing insights on the work + taking action to improve the work based on insights (make necessary changes to systems and report to Joel).

read more “Employee Productivity”

Internet Addiction

Everyone I know is now addicted to the Internet. Laurel and I have our phones out all the time, or we watch Netflix together, or read books on our Kindles, or work on our computers. I can’t even go to the bathroom without pulling out my phone to read Hacker News or the NyTimes.

Even my old technology hating Grandpa is now addicted.… read more “Internet Addiction”

Banking Not Secure

SWiFT- the network all major banks use to transfer money is not secure.

The issue is that state backed hackers from Russia and China will always defeat these systems because there are no repercussions to them. Basically, these hackers are the equivalent of a pirate boat rushing out into the ocean to rob a cargo boat then going back to safe harbor in their own country.… read more “Banking Not Secure”

Energy vs Healthcare

Deregulation in energy in the 60s and 70s broke up monopoly’s and greatly increased competition, which brought about huge energy innovations that have revolutionized that industry for the better.

Doing the same thing in medical and drug fields will vastly reduce costs while improving the quality of care.

It’s pretty pathetic that you can get better service in a restaurant spending $5 than you can in a medical facility when you are spending $5,000.

Vivid, Terrifying Dreams

Since I stopped drinking, my dreams many nights are vivid and terrifying.

Last night I dreamed of a Deer Hunter style scenario where my wife and I were going camping in the mountains. Rifle shots started to ping around us and we were pursued by someone for quite awhile.

Free Learning Management System Software

Learning management system software is a dime a dozen right now. There are so many choices competing for attention, most people wouldn’t have time to go through even 1% of them. There could be a great system hiding at the bottom of the pile that no one will ever discover because legacy systems have so much more marketing spend that they can effectively erase small competitors.… read more “Free Learning Management System Software”

Shut Down Payday Loans

I am glad there is government rules moving forward to stop the evil payday loans industry. The whole payday loans industry is specifically set up to drive people into debt and ruin their lives. I suggest putting in place a maximum interest rate of prime plus five or ten percent.

A10 Warthog


I get why people are trying to save the A10.  It is a legendary aircraft that performed well for many years.

I also agree that the new F35 is a ridiculously expensive boondoggle of an aircraft.

But this plan to make a law keeping the A10 is harmful to us. So is trying to launch the idiotic F35.… read more “A10 Warthog”