5 Tips for Successful Email Marketing

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Every successful business has a robust email marketing campaign in its marketing repertoire. Email marketing is a great, inexpensive way to reach a large number of people fast. Plus it is a great way to maintain your relationship with past customers. Here are 5 tips for a successful Los Angeles email marketing campaign.

1. Know your readers

To send out an effective marketing email, you have to think about who is actually going to want to read it. Usually building out your own email list is more effective than paying for a list, because you know you are sending the email to people that are actually interested and won’t be annoyed by what they perceive as spam. Be ready to respond to readers that would like more information, but also have an option to opt out of the Los Angeles email marketing campaign out of courtesy.

The bottom line is you treat your readers with respect. You want to figure how to get information about your products to the people who want it, and let the readers be who aren’t interested.

2. Think about content

You want your emails to convey information that is valuable or interesting to your readers. Try subscribing to the email newsletters to the most successful businesses you can find. What are they doing? Is it right for your own campaign? Keep the length of your emails down unless you rarely send them out, and keep the tone of the email personal and casual.

Personalize your emails as much as possible. Think about what your readers want and how you can best cater to their interests. Use descriptive and interesting subject lines that give readers a hint of what’s inside the email. Encourage your readers to forward the email if they find it interesting; this can greatly help your Los Angeles email marketing results.

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3. How about format?

When thinking about your email formatting, remember that most readers will take quick glances at your email to see if anything jumps out at them, and then they will move on. Give your readers a table of contents or a quick set of bullet points with exciting subjects that encourage them to read on. Use large, bold headlines and narrow columns of copy that are easy to scan. Vibrant html messages with video and audio can be exciting, but give your readers the option of plain text if they prefer.

4. Analyze your efforts

You don’t want to be pouring too much time and energy into a newsletter that doesn’t work. Make sure you can track the links in your email to see if readers are actually clicking through for more information. Test different forms of copy, headlines, and design and see what works the best. Constantly analyze the effects of each form of email you are sending out and run with what works, while tweaking what doesn’t work. It will be tough to run a successful Los Angeles email marketing campaign when you don’t take the time to learn what works. After a little trial and error, you’ll figure what has the best effect on your reader base.

5. Hire a professional

The best way to ensure a successful email marketing campaign is to hire a professional to carry it out. Coalition Technologies has extensive experience with email marketing, and we employ cutting edge techniques and analysis to maximize the effectiveness of our clients’ Los Angeles email marketing campaigns. Give us a call today at 1-888-993-7639 and get a free quote.


Published by

Joel Gross

Joel Gross is the CEO of Coalition Technologies.