Politicians should not be allowed to take bribes, like speech fees


Joe Biden is not as bad as as the socialist Elizabeth Warren with a reporter $80 million net worth https://www.caclubindia.com/wealth/elizabeth-warren-net-worth-forbes/.

Politicians should not be allowed to make huge speech fees or accept other forms of money that basically amount to taking bribes. Selling books at normal prices is okay or working in a profession they held prior to being a politician are okay, but they should not get massive corporate and foreign payments during or after their elected years.… read more “Politicians should not be allowed to take bribes, like speech fees”

Is Veganism Bad For the Environment?

I am reading a book, Soil Science Simplified, and it describes massive losses to our soil from crop tillage and ploughing that is required to grow crops at scale. We are rapidly depleting our top soil and without top soil humans and animals and insects will experience massive famines and die offs. Cattle and other animals can be raised on perennial pasture that actually builds the soil rather than depleting it.… read more “Is Veganism Bad For the Environment?”