The High Cost of Chin Repairs

My bill from the University of Washington Medical Center just came.

Stitches: $219
Numbing shot: $155.85
Tetanus shot: $15.50


3 hours of waiting in the emergency room:


What the fuck? That room cost $300 an hour?!!?! I am in the wrong business!

The total bill came to $1,044.35

My bicycle cost $100. Helmet $30.… read more “The High Cost of Chin Repairs”

Eulogy of Joel

The only time that people get together and express their feelings about a person is after that person has passed away. When that happens, people always sob about how they should’ve told the person sooner about how much they cared about them. Therefore, before I die, I’m going to tell myself how much I love me and what a freakin’ great guy I more “Eulogy of Joel”


I decided to wear all black to work today. I have black cords, a black T-shirt, black shoes and even black socks. The black clothing coordinates well with my black heart. I feel like I’m Batman. Nah na na na… BATMAN!