Better Regulatory Framework for America

America’s regulatory framework today consists of government agencies that are very inefficient and slow, because they have no accountability to anyone.

If we got rid of all of the regulatory agencies and shifted that work to the courts, we would see much better outcomes with higher efficiency.

I would also greatly reduce the costs of the legal system, make judges accountable (ie they can be fired easily if they do a bad job), and make it more accessible.… read more “Better Regulatory Framework for America”

USDA ERS – ERS Tracks Meat Prices at the Retail, Wholesale, and Farm Levels

Something is wrong here. Ranchers are getting less money while meat packers get more. Looks like a monopoly?

National Parks Service

The gravel road to the Guler ice caves is blocked by a downed tree. It clearly has been there awhile. The park service was founded with the ideal of making these parks accessible recreation areas for all Americans. Every organization starts with a mission, turns into a business, then becomes a racket. The parks service employees now work hard to close off access to Americans by shutting down roads and travels officially, and by stopping maintenance unofficially.… read more “National Parks Service”

Buying a newish fifth wheel camper trailer: is it worth it?

I became convinced a few months ago that buying a fifth wheel camper trailer was the way to go. I bought one a couple of weeks ago and am currently on our first trip. I am not so sure it was a good decision. This post will analyze it a bit further.

I spent a lot of time on RV trader and craigslist and built a spreadsheet of 37 options.… read more “Buying a newish fifth wheel camper trailer: is it worth it?”